Albuquerque, New Mexico
Population: 902,000
Similar to Colorado Springs, Albuquerque is a medium-sized city, close to 6,000ft, bounded on one side by a great mountain range, enjoying a bike-friendly climate—and loaded with quality singletrack. The centerpiece of riding is the foothills trails (north and south systems) with great desert riding through rocks and cactus in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains. The backside of the Sandias has the challenging Faulty Trail, and to the southeast lies the Manzanita Mountains with a hundred-plus miles of singletrack.
Everyone who comes here must ride the Otero and Tunnel Canyon routes. Northwest of town lies the totally unique White Mesa to complete the variety. Bonus: Albuquerque is inexpensive to visit, and you can eat like a king for very little.