Interbike is presenting the first ever Fall Cyclofest in Charlotte, NC at the US National Whitewater Center (USNWC) October 20-23, 2016. The first two days of the event are open to industry folks while the last two days will be open to the public with demos, group rides, races, and live music.
Organizers are working with the Tarheel Trailblazers to host a volunteer work day at the trails on October 19, the day before the event opens. The plan is to clear brush, cut trees, and potentially build new trail. As an incentive for getting involved, the first 100 volunteers will receive a t-shirt and a beer afterward at the “Pump House Biergarten.”

It’s great to see Fall Cyclofest organizers giving back to the local MTB trails, though this does seem to be a little self-serving, especially since it sounds like the work involves preparing the trails for the hordes of demo riders and racers descending on the trails. Perhaps another volunteer day after the event to repair wear and tear would be a good idea as well.