Editor’s note: It’s nearly impossible to ride all the Moab area mountain bike trails in a single trip and fortunately Maddslacker has made enough trips over the years to recommend the best of the best. This article should get you seriously pumped to go to Moab so also be sure to check out Maddslacker’s “Affordable Moab” article to help you plan your trip.
5. Gemini Bridges/Gold Bar Rim/Golden Spike/Portal
I know this is four trails but they connect into one awesome ride. Leave a drop vehicle at the end of Portal, drive to the parking lot at the beginning of Gemini Bridges Rd and start riding up the dirt road switchbacks. The climb is not bad at all. When you get to the top of the cliff, look back. Yeah, you just rode a bike up that! Across the flats is a left turn onto Gold Bar Rim, which is a jeep trail with lots of slickrock, ledges, and boulders. Hang out at the rim for a bit and then head south along the ridge until you hook up with Golden Spike. This fairly short section connects up with theinfamousPortal Trail. Ride some of it, walk most of it, but either way, be careful and you’ll get down just fine.

4. Amasa Back
I haven’t actuallyridden this trail yet – it seems like something always comes up when it’s on the schedule. Talking to people who have, I know that it is fairly short, really close to town, and has plenty of rocks to play on. A popular option is to do it in the afternoon after finishing Slickrock or Klondike Bluffs. There are a lot of jeepers on this trail so be nice to them – they have air compressors and extra water.

3. Klondike Bluffs
Many people write off this intermediate trail as not being worth riding. They don’t know what they are missing! First of all, don’t park by the highway – drive in another 5 miles and park at the large parking lot by the gate. Not riding that stretch of boring dirt road definitely helps. The trail starts out with some of Moab’s signature tire-sucking sand. This quickly gives way to some doubletrack that alternates between hardpack and exposed ledges. The longest portion of the trail climbs up an angled slab of slickrock. Along this section you’ll find dinosaur tracks and interesting rock formations to check out so definitely explore a little if you have time.
After the slickrock there’s more doubletrack that passes some historic mining ruins, terminating at the boundary of Arches National Park. There is a bike rack here so park your bike and do the 1/2 mile hike into the actual bluffs. Think scenery from old Wile E Coyote cartoonsand you’ll know what to expect. When you’re done sightseeing, you can either head down Baby Steps or back the way you came; either direction ends up where you parked.

2. Slickrock Bike Trail
Mountain bikers come from far and wide to bag this Mecca of mountain bike trails. The scenery is amazing, the traction is so good that you can ride up and down impossible inclines, and it is all arranged in a convenient 10-mile loop. There’s even a 2.5 mile ‘practice loop’ to give riders a feel for what the rest of the trail has in store. This trail is definitely a must-ride, but I can’t give it the top spot because after riding the trail a half dozen times it starts to lose its mystique.

1. Porcupine Rim
Porcupine is the other trail that every trip to Moab must include. Whether ridden as the classic version starting in Sand Flats or including the UPS section, this trail has it all: fast singletrack, huge ledge drops, precipice-hugging sections, amazing scenery, and best of all, very little climbing! XC types and freeriders both will find stuff to love, and it’s well suited for group rides with plenty of photo ops all along the way. Don’t forget to catch some big air off that last berm and smile for the dude in the lawn chair: he’s taking your pic, a copy of which can be purchased in town later in the evening.

Honorable mentions: Poison Spider Mesa, Bartlett Wash and the Whole Enchilada.
Which Moab trails are in your top five?
Apr 30, 2011
May 2, 2011
I've never ridden Poison Spider but I hear it is very very sandy...and I hate sand.
I just rode Sovereign for the first time this week and it was awesome. I'll ride it again, but I still like Klondike better due to dinosaur tracks and the hike at the top.
Apr 29, 2011
@tsnsteelersfan: Ironically I rode Amassa Back today. (All the way to the top)
May 6, 2011
Apr 28, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
Apr 28, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
The Baby Steps loop that runs parallel to Klondike Bluffs is a great way to ride the two together, (see photo of map on description) watch for the jeep trail sections to be re-routed too singletrack soon.
At the top of Amasa Back (which is an awesome trail itself) there is now several miles of single track called Hay Stacker (?) - its ____ Stacker, ask @ Chili Peppers, Ashley will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.
Off of the Gemini Bridges ride there is now an area called The Magnificent Seven that is, yes, seven trails in a network. Most are open and the Trail Mix crew is working steadily on the rest to have them open by this summer. This is one of them I didn’t get to ride, its on the list for next time-
Pipe Dream is a Great 5 miles of new Singletrack right in town. This trail drew first blood this year and I cant wait to ride it again as part of a loop with the Moab Rim Trail.
Deadman’s Ridge and Bar B have to be some of my favorite new Singletrack in the area. As part of the Moab Brands network there is something for just about every type of rider here.
Within a couple years there will be 3 new routes north of town, out near the Klondike area that are going to loop almost too the interstate. There are some big plans in the works. But after working with some of the people there I have no doubt they will happen, keeping Moab one of them places we all want to go back to year after year.
May 10, 2011
Apr 28, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
Of the Moab trails I've ridden, Hazard County is perhaps my favorite - fast, swoopy trails through the scrub far above town. Moonlight Meadows was also fun but really just a cow trail (though the alpine scenery is incredible). UPS is a good trail too.
Now that I think about it, putting together a top 5 trails list for Moab is nearly impossible. :)
Apr 28, 2011
May 11, 2011
Apr 28, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
May 2, 2011
May 10, 2011
I am also wondering if the Author has actually rode this trail in its entirity. Definatley would not recommend it to the public in the order it was presented.
My recommendation would be to shuttle a car to Poison Spider. Then drive up to Gold Bar Rim for the start. Take Gold Bar RIm all the way to the bottom of Poison Spider. This should take 3hrs to 4hrs and will be a sweet ride.
Apr 30, 2011
May 10, 2011
The Author agrees that Gemini Bridges road is kind of a snooze, but there is good parking at its trailhead, and the climb is a good warmup, especially when it is snowing at the start of the ride.
Portal trail is completely safe if you heed the signs, and the scenery is amazing. It should be experienced at least once. Poison Spider is a good alternative, but I haven't ridden it so I can't comment first hand.
And yes, you will get a little lost on or around Golden Spike.
Apr 28, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
when I go through there. Has a large pulloff for me to park my truck by the main rd. Even with the dirt road ride in, it's always worth it.
Apr 28, 2011
May 11, 2011
May 2, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
May 10, 2011
Golden Spike was the gem of this connector for me. I loved it. That is were we would got lost but would always find the trail if we went back to the rim. That trail will test your skill level and put you in your place.
I will rephrase. In 85+ degree weather i would not recommend adding Gemini unless you have at least 90liters of water. I ran out just before Portal with 70liters and a reserve bottle.