A rocky trail through a wooded area, covered in fallen leaves, with a mountain bike partially visible in the background. The scene depicts a natural landscape, suggesting a hiking or biking path. Cheaha State Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +306/ -355 ft
Total: 58 riders

Mountain Biking Cheaha State Park

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#27 of 112 mountain bike trails in Alabama
#3,076 in the world

About 6 miles of trail in a "stacked loop" configuration. The main trail is the Mountain Express; other trails include Deer Run, Lower Spring Loop, and Upper Spring Loop. You'll need to backtrack a bit to ride everything in a single visit.

Trails are generally rocky but the elevation changes aren't too bad (longest climbs are about 400 feet). The trail is tough to follow in some places, particularly the Mountain Express trail near the top (lots of side trails leading to the road). Some cool Rhododendron tunnels and great views in winter.

First added by searsandrewj on Jun 18, 2003. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take AL Hwy 281 to Cheaha State Park. Trailhead kiosk is located just outside the main entrance gate. $2 entry fee per person.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Talladega, Alabama

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  • Russ Brown

    The start is rocky and fast and the wrong line can Crack your frame (we saw a more experienced biker with a more expensive bike walk out with this issue) but overall we had fun during the past Talladega weekend. We started at the main entrance and the uphill is long and steep. We did about three quarters of the trail but had a great time. This was a week after Hurricane Michael so there were several down trees and branches on the trail. We will come again.

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  • rtrybka

    Roots, rocks, and ditches. Skip this one. Save your energy and hit Coldwater Mountain.

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  • bAwesome

    This trail has so much potential. It's absolutely beautiful. Otherwise, it's the least maintained trail I've been on. I did about 50/50 walking through down trees VS riding. The description at the park says flow. There is no flow at all. At several places the trail is too narrow to pedal. The park states an interest in building a beginner trail. I think if this trail was maintained it could have very fun beginner sections. Overall I'm glad I rode it because of some very cool spots on the trail. More like a hike on your bike. If you are in the mood to shred fast then go to Coldwater Mountain 15 minutes away.

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  • Sheri571

    This trail is rocky and poorly maintained. It appears to be a hiking trail that allows mountain bikers but the mountain bikers (and the hikers) seem to have abandoned it for other nearby trails. According to the park management, the trails here are maintained by volunteers and the volunteers have not been around to maintain it for quite a while. Huge trees were down everywhere and we finally gave up the idea of riding these trails. Cheaha State Park is so beautiful, it is a shame that the trail system is in such poor shape. At this time, I am NOT recommending it for mountain bikers. Coldwater Mountain, Sylaward, and Oak Mountain SP are all within a fairly reasonable distance and are much better choices for mountain biking.

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  • rick417

    Attempted to ride Upper Loop & Lower Loop, but had to turn back after 1 mile because of downed trees. What part I could ride was fun with huge potential. Very disappointing that the trails no longer appear to be maintained. Hope it's just a temporary thing. Cheaha is a great state park!

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  • Jeff Barber

    Bummer. I've only ridden here in winter but I can see how the trails could get overgrown. With Coldwater sorta nearby I'm guessing these trails don't get as much love as they used to.

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  • PartyPlanner

    Prettiest mountain bike trail I have ever been on. Kept telling my husband...look at that moss! Look at the reindeer lichen! Cool wildflowers! This is partly because I had to stop and pant a bit. It's a liitle gravelly, leafy, and technical, and I would love to catch it when the massive thickets of mountain laurel are in bloom. While you're there visit the Bald Rock overlook and also check out the Depression-era handhewn rockwork at the Lodge. Highest point in Alabama.

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  • annistonfire153

    Fun and technical trail. Great scenery. Always fun to ride up to Bald Rock and hang out a minute and enjoy the view before blazing back down the mountain.

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  • Harry_Swisher

    Trail is close to my home, so I ride it at least once a month. A climber's dream. Super fun when the leaves arnt covering the trail. Lots of rocks that you need to be aware of. As long as there isnt alot of leaves covering the rocks on the trail, you will have a good ride.

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  • Jeff Barber

    This trail is challenging but it's mostly all rideable for riders with above average skill and endurance. The rocks can be tricky and some of the climbs are real lung busters - my only complaint is there isn't more trail here. You'll climb about 1,000 feet if you ride all the trails here (which works out to about 160 feet/mile - pretty steep).

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    WOW Had a blast. Broke bike on RELENTLESS. very rocky

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  • c4explde

    Tight downhill squeezes and 1 hell of a leg burner back up!!

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  • flamdrag8

    An epic singletrack ride with a really tough climb called "relentless". This trail is very beautiful on a foggy morning.* Review edited 4/3/2008

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