Close-up view of a mountain bike tire and rear brake system covered in mud, with leaves scattered on the ground. The image captures the bike
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Level: Beginner
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 113 riders

Mountain Biking Environmental Center

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#85 of 289 mountain bike trails in Florida
#2,997 in the world

Approximately five miles of single-track for intermediate to expert riders. On the other side of the street next to the ball fields is another single-track loop that runs along Soldier Creek. It is approximately a one and one-half mile loop. Both trails are excellent and can be crowded any day of the week due to its close proximity to Orlando.

First added by stripes on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
"In Orlando: Take SR 434 east to 419, tun left. Go approximately two miles. Entrance to the park is on the right. Parking and ball fields are on the left.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Orlando, Florida

Beginner | 1.7 mi
| 5 mi
| 2 mi
| 3 mi

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  • tylerthehuman

    I'm honestly not sure what this is. Am I allowed to ride my bike on this? There is a really wide main path that goes for awhile with a lot of side paths. The side paths usually have board walks, where I assume you're supposed to walk. Those paths usually lead into very difficult riding where I assume even a hiker would turn around. The trail is enjoyable sight seeing. Definitely a trail for the family. I couldn't go very far because the trail was flooded.

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  • MikeUK

    Water logged, overgrown, don't bother

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  • tyty25

    It is more of a hiking trail than a mountain biking trail.

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  • bs3833

    Nice ride, there are two areas here to ride, one is by the ball fields and the other is by the environmental area. The one side by the ball field is a cool ride along the creek. On the enviromental center there are some good rides as well but be advised they can be real muddy (see pics) and also stay off the wooden walk ways as they are covered in slim and if you turn to fast the slide is coming and landings wont be good.

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  • Fmedic

    The first half of the trail from 419 isn't too bad except for some wild hog damage about half way in. As you get closer to Lake Jesup the trail is still very wet and muddy from the October rains.

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  • ICEMAN733

    it's good but needs some TLC there's 10 miles of trails

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  • *****


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  • burkettcale

    The Environemtnal Center was fun but some parts right now are flooded with swamp water, other parts deeper in the woods are overgrown. The best part we checked out is when you bike down the paved path and turn left on the first dirt trail that crosses the paved path.

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  • GoKite5

    very basic, no technical challenges, short, not very interesting at all. If you're a fast rider you're done in ten minutes. Right next to the soldier creek trail which adds just a few more minutes..

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  • sevendaysoff

    rode here today with some locals. great for an 'adventure ride', but trails arent well maintained. this does provide for lots of natural obstacles though and the flow of the trail isnt bad at all. wet and lots of bridges, but bridges are very slick - be careful. overall a great workout but intermediate to advanced ride because of trail conditions.

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  • jls

    Lots of nice scenery. There really 4 different things to ride here. 1. A hard packed service road. Straight, easy and pleasant. Probably a good place to bring the little ones to get their tires dirty. 2. Several long boardwalks. Still not mountain biking but definitely relaxing. 3. A bunch of little side trails, fun to explore at first but ultimately frustrating when you realize every one ends in deep black mud and/or a pile of downed trees. 4. A trail that runs along Soliders Creek to meet up with the Soliders Creek trail on the other side of SR 419. On the east end near Lake Jessup it starts with black slippery mud which turns into good old packed sugar sand by the time you reach the west end at SR 419. I found this much harder to ride than the adjacent Soliders Creek trail and not in a good way. It was in poor condition for riding with long sections of mud, erosion and trees down everywhere. Even when the going was good the trail didn't have very good flow. This is too bad since the creek is very scenic here and there is a wooden railway bridge to go under too. The creek was flowing slowly so it was possible to ride under SR 419. Thank goodness. A once around the far better Soldiers Creek trail did a lot to repair my soul before I headed home. * Review edited 12/21/2009

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  • Rocketrick

    Rode this trail today as a supplement to the Soldier Creek trail (which is right across the street). Definitely worth investigating, great scenery, karma, etc. Wooden boardwalks take you out into the swamp, past huge ancient Cypress, oaks, and palms. Be VERY careful when turning on the boardwalks. They are usually about as slippery as riding on marbles.

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  • Jordan300

    This trail has been around for a long time. For a while there were several guys spending hours and hours building stuff out there to ride on. Then one year the city came through and tore it all down. It is still a nice trail, but it will never be what it once was.

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  • cabotbrown

    This track was a nice beginner track. It was relatively simple. I rode the track yesterday, it was muggy and rainy. Parts of the trail was just sitting water. Wear shoes that you arent afraid to soak in mud. Parts of the wooden trail were broken and had collapsed so use caution.

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  • Brent_Smith

    I rode here for the first time the other day and found it surprisingly fun. It's probably the most technical trail in the Orlando area (except for the river section of LBESF) with lots of roots, log piles, and a few other obstacles. The only muddy part was the section across the creek on the north side of the main doubletrack trail (first crossing you come to). My only complaints are that the loop is too short and some of the side trails are in need of some serious upkeep. Apparently the loop on the other side of 419 no longer exists; at least I couldn't find it.

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  • mreynolds69

    Four of us went on the trail today, it was my first ride on this trail and was less than satisfied on the environmental side... Not many riders keeping the trail clear and spider free (the leader ate about 6 spiders, go RICH!). It would be better if the trail saw mmore riders. The small loop on the ball field side was nice, a few down trees, small jumps, a few small bridges. Surprisingly dry from the stories I have heard.

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  • kallisti

    I have been riding these 2 trails since I was a kid. It's so beautiful and crazy- you never know what to expect.

    Beware during rainy seasons as the back part of E-Center will flood (towards Lake Jesup). Also know there are many fallen trees and bridges out since the 04 hurricane season. The full loop is passable, but it's not perfect for biking at the moment, especially in the hot summer- it can be grueling. Watch for alligator nests!

    The sodier's creek trail is the real fun one on the opposite side of 419. It's more fun to get there under the old RR bridge ;) The trail has ramps, bridges, jumps, etc. You can easily keep a fast pace and take some major spills. It is narrow and fun for the GF as well- ignore that guy. I AM a GF, I should know. Not good for kids though. And I'm tired of people taking there dogs out there!

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  • Eli_Heady

    Fun stuff!!!! This was my first trail ride as a new comer in the mountain biking world. I own a Giant vt-2 full suspension and the trails were a blast. Although the trail was a little harder due to the recent hurricanes here in florida, it was still a
    great time. I will be going back, and recomend the trail to whom ever is up for a good challenge, and a nice trill.

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  • Ravestar

    There are two parts to this trail system. One is the actual E-center with 3 miles of trails and raised wooden walkways which are good for bringing your new GF or novice rider. Then across the road, to the left of the baseball diamonds is a crazy dangerous 2 mile loop with ladder, jumps, see-saws and generally dangerous extreme expert stuff. 2-3 laps round this and you are very satisfied. Good for an afterwork, inner city ride.

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Rider questions

Q: HoW many miles?