If all you get is a mountain bike wedding ring for your wedding then you’re not obsessed. I’ve been to weddings where friends gave out cycling water bottles as favors (complete with a caricature of bride and groom on bikes) and at my own wedding the groom’s cake had a mountain bike theme. Other friends recently sent out “save the date” magnets with – you guessed it – a picture of the bride and groom on their bikes. Still, I wouldn’t qualify any of this as obsession.
Take a look at Ed and Liz Hokanson of Virginia. The Roanoke Times describes their wedding, complete with a veil-covered helmet and a tuxedo printed cycling jersey. Instead of champagne toasts, the couple chose gatorade.
Many couples meet out at the trail so it’s no surprise that a shared interest becomes a big part of the wedding ceremony. Think you’ve got the Hokansons beat? Tell us about your wedding.