I’m glad to hear everyone enjoyed our April Fools post yesterday. For those who didn’t read all the way through, Apple is NOT releasing an iBike, though a product called ‘iBike’ DOES in fact exist. It’s some kind of power meter for roadie geeks so you prolly wouldn’t be interested 😉

Speaking of April Fools, a story circulating yesterday claimed that GM was buying Specialized and some legitimate news sources actually picked up the story thinking it was real. SportsOneSource posted it in their morning news roundup and actually emailed out a retraction later in the day:
This morning’s issue of SGB UPDATE included a story
entitled “General Motors Acquires Specialized Bicycle
Components.” The story, which was apparently an
April’s Fool Day hoax, was inadvertently picked up
in our news feeds.After follow up this morning by our editorial team,
we have determined that the story is not accurate.
Specialized is not being acquired by GM.We apologize for any issues that this may have caused
for our readers.
In other news (this time for real), SportsOneSource also reports that Backcountry.com will begin selling bike gear. I’m a big fan of Backcountry myself so I’m excited to see them jumping into the cycling retail industry. Good to have another alternative to PerforNash…