Mountain biking is currently in the throes of an identity crisis. This isn’t exactly news, but has rather been an ongoing issue in our sport for many, many years. But I think that soon, very soon, this brewing issue is going to come to a head and will, unfortunately, boil over the top of the kettle.
This identity crisis is neatly summed up by a meme shared by The Robert Axle Project, which utilizes a data point from a recent a survey:
Let’s start with the portrayal of mountain bikers as skidding, dirt-slashing, back-flipping, jump-building vagabonds. Because really, that’s how 99% of the videos, photos, advertisements, and generally any sort of media portrays mountain bikers. Consequently, we’re seen as an attack on the land, a curse on the environment, and Red Bull-swilling nut jobs that only want to go as big as possible, broken backs be damned.

Rider: Kyle Jameson. Photo: Ian Collins. Photo courtesy of SCOTT SPORTS USA.
The thing is, how many of us actually ride like that? How many of us are backflipping 50-foot gap jumps and slashing loose dirt turns down the side of a mountain in the Utah desert?
Heck, let’s make it really simple: how many of us even so much as drift our rear wheels around the corners of our local trails? That’s actually more doable by the average Joe, but for the vast majority of us, we respect our local terrain, and we respect the work that it takes to build and maintain the trails—probably because we actually help to build and maintain said trails.

The point is, the industry portrays mountain bikers one way, when the vast majority of mountain bikers ride nothing like those magazine glam shots—yet we call all of it “mountain biking.”
The Other Side

Rider: Caren Villaroman. Photo: Dinno Domingo.
So if that’s not what most mountain bikers do, then how exactly do they ride? I think if you talk to most mountain bikers and take a poll, you’ll find that while they enjoy the thrill of going down hills and some enjoy the technical challenges of rock gardens and getting airborne occasionally, most riders aren’t schralping berms, or freeriding down a slope in Virgin, Utah. Instead, while they do want to challenge themselves, part of that challenge is the difficulty of the climb, and the endurance that it takes to reach a place. And much of the reward is enjoying the views along the way–the beauty of the natural places that we ride through.
Now, it would be the easiest thing in the world to simple condemn the berm-slashing, gap-jumping, death-defying mountain biking as unconscionable, unethical, and something that should be ripped from our sport. The other easiest thing would be to embrace it and simply say, “well yeah, mountain bikers ARE trail-eroding, stash-poaching vagabonds—have you read about our weed-smoking history recently?!”
But here’s the thing: taking the easy route is rarely the answer. And as such, condemning this type of riding outright isn’t the answer either. Because all of these types of riding—the gap-jumping, back-flipping, and the endurance-climbing, view-perusing all have their places.
Simply put, if you’re going to be gap-jumping and berm-slashing, the place for those activities is in areas designed and intended for them. Such areas include resorts with downhill and freeride features that maintain and take care of their trails for just such a purpose, and private property that is intended for such a use case (think: Red Bull Rampage).

Oh, you didn’t know that Rampage took place on private property owned by Red Bull, but rather thought that it happened in Zion National Park? That’s just one more example of how the portrayal of these types of activities plays against environmentally-conscious mountain bikers that want access to wild areas. Instead of advertising that this competition takes place on privately-purchased land, Red Bull instead plays up the proximity to Zion National Park, sometimes simply referring to the area as such. When, in reality, it just isn’t.
Despite what you may have seen in films, a backcountry trail on public land or a seemingly-unused hillside is not the place to be slashing turns or building jumps. Rather, we need to respect the land, and follow Leave No Trace principles as we pass through these natural areas.
So the question then arrises: well, is there also a place where the aerobic, nature-loving version of mountain biking doesn’t belong either? The diehard nature-lovers might argue “no,” but I’m actually going to argue “yes.” Your local downhill track is not a place to be going for a long, aerobic climb. Don’t be climbing up the downhill trails at your local resort! Similarly, don’t ride down those trails, stop, and chill out in the center of the track. They’re intended for fast, hardcore, downhill riding–if you’re hanging out in the blind landing of a jump and you get hit, injured, and/or killed, that’s your fault–not the rider who was making use of the freeride trail intended for such a purpose.
We Need New Terminology
If even these crazy freeriders have a place where their antics are acceptable in certain contexts, the problem isn’t so much that this type of riding exists, but instead the terminology that we use to describe it. Within the industry, the media, and even our day-to-day conversations, if we see someone launching a 30-foot cliff on an 8-inch travel freeride sled, we call that “mountain biking.” If we see someone grinding up a narrow singletrack trail for hours, climbing thousands of vertical feet up into the middle of nowhere, we call that “mountain biking” too. Sure, we have different terms to depict the different sub-genres of mountain biking, but those terms mean nothing to anybody not familiar with the bike industry… and even amongst those deeply-ingrained in this sport, there’s significant debate about what exactly those terms mean.
But really and truly, one of the only tactics we have at our disposal to combat this wrongful association in the minds of outsiders is to create some sort of separation between the two versions of mountain biking. In my opinion, I think this means that we need new terminology. More than that, we almost need two new sports.
The sport of “mountain biking” encompasses so much: it encompasses the freeriders and the backcountry explorers discussed above. It includes dirt jumpers in skinny jeans. It includes fat bikers pedaling on snow in Alaska in the dead of winter. It includes the family of four going for a leisurely pedal on their local beginner-rated singletrack trail. It includes the group of tatted-up singlespeed hammerheads drinking whisky out of flasks as they seek to crush each other, body and soul, on their weekly group ride.
Our sport of mountain biking is an incredibly-diverse sport!
But to the outsider looking in, they have a hard time seeing that. They have a hard time separating the top of the meme from the bottom.
The “how” behind this is the trick, though. And I think some of that starts with the bike industry and the media. Instead of having every single video look like this:
What if we published more videos that look like this:
Instead of every single advertisement featuring some freerider dragging his rear tire, what if there were more photos of backcountry bikers riding some real singletrack, with gorgeous mountain peaks in the background?
Of course, we’re not totally blameless in this identity crisis issue here at Singletracks–as a mountain biking media outlet, we share many of these videos ourselves. In fact, every single image (aside from the initial meme) used in this article was featured at one time or another as a Photo of the Day here on the site.
So why do we have this problem in the first place? And will it ever change?
You might say to me, “Greg, well why does this identity crisis exist in the first place?”
I think part of the reason it exists, and part of the reason it’s not going to be so simple to change, is because the back-flipping, berm-slashing sells. It looks cool, and it sells bikes. And the badass freeride videos are, quite frankly, way more entertaining to watch than someone crushing a long climb on his XC bike. That’s just the way it is.
So do I think that we can simply say “stop slashing berms” or even “stop sharing photos and videos of riders slashing berms” and it will fix all of our problems? Heck no. That’s like saying that companies (not specifically talking about bike companies here) shouldn’t include scantily-clad women in compromising position in their advertisements. The way some of those advertisements portray women may be gross and sexist, but no matter how sexist it is seen to be, sex still sells. And so does berm schralping.
At some point our idealism and our ethics run into a brick wall of money. And when money is on the line, apparently anything goes.
Hopefully, eventually, our ethics can chip away at that brick wall of money. Call me a pessimist, but I think our ethics are more like a chisel than a sledgehammer.
One final note about bikes in wilderness.
While I think the meme that is posted at the beginning of this article highlights an all-too-true disconnect in the perception of mountain biking, I do want to note that the current efforts being undertaken by the Sustainable Trails Coalition to end the blanket ban on mountain bikes in Wilderness areas will not open the door for freeriding in Wilderness. In fact, the draft Human Powered Wildlands Travel Management Act of 2015 is adamantly against building manmade structures in Wilderness–berms, jumps, and ladder bridges seem to qualify. Also, the draft bill allows for the posting of speed limits, and even “adding [trail] features that curtail excessive speed and discourage trail users from creating unauthorized shortcuts and trails.”
Undoubtedly this identity crisis is in full-effect, and the perception of uninformed people on the outside looking in can negatively impact these efforts to allow backcountry biking. But I think it’s important ensure that the record reflects the actual goals and intention of the STC.
Final Thoughts
If you came to this article expecting easy answers, I apologize, because I don’t believe that I’ve been able to provide any. I think if there was an easy answer to be given, it would have been providing a long time ago, and we wouldn’t be in this predicament of an identity crisis.
I can’t even say that we’re immune from this identity crisis issue here on Singletracks. As a mountain bike media outlet, we share many of these videos ourselves. In fact, every single image (aside from the initial meme) used in this article was featured at one time or another as a Photo of the Day here on the site. And we shared both of these videos. While perhaps none of our staff members are capable of riding Red Bull Rampage and while perhaps we don’t slash berms or destroy our local trails, we like watching a good freeride flick just like everybody else–just like you.
If there’s one take away that I can provide, it’s this: ride responsibly. Don’t be a jerk. Respect the environment, and respect the other users that you encounter on the trail. If we all do our part to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner, perhaps over time this mis-perception of what the average mountain biker is actually like will slowly, very slowly, change.
Mar 21, 2016
I liked Jack Slade's idea of Singletrack's setting the example on photos and videos. Someone has to lead .. and have the courage to step beyond the adage of "I'm all for change; YOU go first!"
Maybe the MTB marketeers/manufacturers/industry could start including, assuming it would be factual and they'd do it, something similar to the "truth in advertising" disclaimer that car manufacturers use on many of their ads: "Professional driver (rider) on a closed course; we always restore the trail to its original condition." All intended to demonstrate a commitment to preserving what so many value.
Also support hproctor's suggestion. More of us need to get involved, physically (trail sustainment/building) and politically, to show how responsible we are/can be.
JD (69 year old MTB'er who couldn't "whip" if he tried! :-)
Mar 21, 2016
I think it has to do more with the fear of sharing trails. Cross Country skiers don't encounter kids in the terrain park, but they don't like skate skiers or snowshoers on their trails. How long did it take for people to stop fearing snowboarders? When we first started fat biking the skiers didn't want us on groomed snowmobile roads, because we would ruin the trails. I should reiterate that these were snow covered roads and heavily ridden by snowmobiles, but they feared fat bikes for some reason. Once someone took me out to demonstrate the tracks fat bikes left. I figured it would be a deep rut, It was a quarter inch depression.
Mar 21, 2016
Locally is where where the tires and shovels hit the dirt and that is where we all can make a difference.
Mar 22, 2016
Mar 22, 2016
Mar 21, 2016
Feb 5, 2017
But all that being said. The Canadian Shield in Manitoba and northern Ontario has some of the best riding I've ever done! Even if we only have 100-200ft vertical average. (Some spots hit 300or more maybe) but is super technical. And if you use the rocks and the hill sides properly, you can have some wicked descents!
Mar 21, 2016
Mar 22, 2016
Mar 25, 2016
Example. Recent article on yoga emphasized that it can literally be done by anyone of any age and ability with many health benefits. (It has made a huge difference in my mountain biking.)
And what does the editor choose for an illustration? A photo showing someone doing an extreme pose that only tiny fraction of people will ever be able to do.
So people look at that and say, Well obviously I can't do yoga.
Feb 19, 2017
I've always said the same thing. At Sacred Rides, our typical customer is 45 years old and keeps his/her wheels on the ground at all times, yet so many people - who aren't familiar with us - think that we're jumping our bikes off cliffs all the time!
Mike Brcic,
Founder/Chief Hapiness Officer
Sacred Rides
Feb 20, 2017
Mar 21, 2016
As far as the Wilderness issue goes, I'm totally on board with the STC group. I totally understand that ALL Wilderness areas shouldn't be open to bikes for a variety of reasons but there are plenty of areas that could. The latest closure in Idaho is a great example of that. Even if it was open to bikes, there's not going to be a mass hoard of bikers trekking to the Idaho backcountry, totally evidenced by prior history before it was banned. Also, as you alluded to, the bikers that do go back there are the XC or bike packer types that have a more environmental mindset anyway when it comes to taking care of the land. The enduro and DH crowd with their full face helmets & no hydration pack aren't going to schlepping their gear 20 miles deep into the backcountry to ride. That's especially true if every ride equated to pushing your bike back uphill since no vehicle or roads are allowed in the Wilderness.
However, I don't see STC prevailing. The people making the decisions are generally completely ignorant and make no real effort to educate themselves. They like to do that after the fact like Nancy Pelosi's infamous "we have to approve the health care bill so that we can read what's in it". Do you think Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer or Dianne Feinstein are going to make any real effort to event visit the areas up for closure? I don't see it happening and it's easier just to vote to keep things the same. Hopefully, they all have grandkids that ride :)
Mar 23, 2016
Mar 21, 2016
Mar 26, 2016
Article titles:
Blast through Rocks and Roots
Wild Riding
Attack Zone - Hit the trails with speed and flair
Flips, Hips and Whips (yes MTB not BDSM!)
Build explosive power
Excede (push, overcome) your limits
Go Ballistic
How to rail (nail) the trails
Get faster
Climb the unclimable
Easy steps for more speed on the trails
Plus the innumerable get fitter, faster, ride harder articles accompanied by the usual photos.
It appears for these magazines the only way to enjoy MTB'ing is to go faster and faster, ride wilder and not look at the scenery, which seems to be utterly irrelevant to the mtb riding!
Please can I just ride without all this go faster crap (and yes I used to race but that was only for fun, once it became serious it stopped being fun, so i stopped)
Going to be interesting when the maintenance of all these created 'features' (walls, jumps, doubles, drop offs etc.) on trails need maintaining and the cost it will incur. Anyone done an cost assessment on this?
Thanks for writing something I've been trying to get across for a number of years :)
Mar 24, 2016
Mar 26, 2016
Mar 19, 2018
Mar 24, 2016
But this article really grabbed my attention because my horse sport is endurance and we're going through our own identity crises. One is the lingo - typically endurance is 50 miles or more, anything less is distance riding. But whether real or not, some distance riders think they're snubbed as lesser if they can't use the title endurance rider.
Another identity crisis is endurance in the middle east is balls-to-the-wall run the horse w/o regard for its health. We don't want to be compared to them in the same way you who respect the environment don't want to be lumped with those who'll trash a course for a little extra fun.
And we have the same concerns about being shut out of certain areas.
On a personal note, I live next door to a 30,000 acre wilderness that technically doesn't allow bikes. And most bike riders don't go there because the sand is too soft, but I still see the tracks. So although I wouldn't mind sharing this area with bikes (haha, it's too flat to cause dangerous surprises to horses), I still get a little irked when I know someone is ignoring the rules, same as I would if I saw someone littering or cutting down a 1000 yo Juniper.
In general I like sharing trails with bikes - you guys pack the trail nicely! But I do love some of our local area with separate bike and horse trails, you can enjoy speed w/o concern of surprising a horse and getting kicked in the face and I can trot along a ridge w/o worrying about going over because my horse heard a squeal of brakes through a plume of dirt. And that's after I've taught my horses bikes are cool!
Anyhow, sorry for the long post from an outsider, but again, just thought some of our issues are similar and I'd rather find similarities than differences! And thanks again for a good article.
Mar 18, 2017
So Greg points the problem out, then offers no solution. In fact he decides instead of making a stand, he says resistance is futile so lets just continue our present course by saying "So do I think that we can simply say “stop slashing berms” or even “stop sharing photos and videos of riders slashing berms” and it will fix all of our problems? Heck no. "
Of course not, these videos of these riders slashing berms helps promote singletracks as a site, So he is just as guilty as the manufacturers making these videos by perpetuating them on his site. It is like saying to your children, don't smoke as you light up the next one, or saying how bad smoking is and that no on in the biking community should smoke yet having cigarette ads and videos on your site, then justify it by saying well people are going to smoke regardless if it have ads or videos on my site so I am not going to stop people from posting them. This is called hypocrisy. Everyone here strokes Greg as posting a "thought provoking, well researched article", yet he points out what he thinks is a problem that is coming to a head, tells us how bad the manufacturers and media are for doing it and how it affects us all, then says, but I am not going to stop these videos from being posted for the sole purpose of promoting his site. He even goes as far as to make an analogy that sex sells and just because it does sell it is then ok to exploit women and continue advertising in this way, just like he will continue post videos of people destroying trails because it helps get him a few more clicks on his site. Removing post these types of videos on this site is totally within his control yet he allows it even though he makes an article that condemns the content of the videos he perpetuates. Children... can you say hypocrisy? I knew you could.
Mar 17, 2018
I think the way forward is to borrow a page from the Crossfit crowd. They're very inclusive, and their message to outsiders has always been "you can do this, and we're all here to help you."
Anyone who wants to grow the sport should make a resolution to take a newbie on a trail ride before the year is over. Grow the community in this organic way, and watch the marketing follow the riders for a change.
Mar 22, 2016
Always love your articles and the discussions they generate.
Mar 22, 2016
Mar 27, 2016
Since I also rock climb, we climbers hear all kinds of fear mongering about our scarring the landscape reserved by "true naturalist". Yet, many many climbers, and long time big taxpayers like myself, as it turns out, are also some of the best stuarts of public land. Much more so, say, than the fossil fuel industry. From the all over the east coast, to the heartland, to my place in Utah, and into Cali, I have found both climbers and bikers a benefit towards the care and maintenance of wilderness trail systems. Sure, some individuals tear stuff up they have no business tearing up (just like hikers), but most show respect for the land and the local trail rules, when allowed to access them. Most respect posted access rules and care about maintaining access, and help enforce behaviour. Community education is key--so I appreciate this article.
The Forestry and BLM managers, have been working closely with the climbing community for some time now, and have come to appreciate the numbers of us that use the wilderness, and in truth are more vigilant and active in supporting their efforts than perhaps opponents to our activities. And infact I will argue that climber and MTBing activity, enhance nature lovers access to the wilderness. The MTB community need to further establish a strong bond with the government land management. The argument that MTBing disrupts or destroys public land is for the most part misconception. And denying our participation on public trail systems is unacceptable.
As human beings, our encroachment upon nature, is and has always been part of nature. We need to accept responsibility for our unique capacity to abuse nature, and to find ways interact with nature in its best interests. That can certainly include responsible MTBing.
Mar 21, 2016
Mar 21, 2016
Apr 3, 2016
Apr 1, 2016
Mar 21, 2016
Jan 4, 2019
Jan 4, 2019
Apr 1, 2016
Also, how did the Sierra Club and Wilderness Society become the bad guys? They generally are willing to work with outdoor activities groups, like climbing and biking communities. And to work together with government agencies managing the public lands to find an access and use solution agreeable to everyone. I think they are very much in touch with what is happening in the wilderness. They are constantly out in it. We need to establish wilderness access rules for the MTB community, help land management implement them on acceptable trail systems. We should assist in maintaining and policing trails, and educate the MTB community about respecting our access to public trails, especially backcountry trails where we need tread lightly.
Mar 9, 2017