photo by GoldenGoose.
As if you needed yet another reason to get out and work on the trails this year, now you can earn a free day at Disney World with Paulding SORBA! On April 17 Paulding SORBA (near Atlanta) will be hosting a work day at the new Mt. Tabor trails west of town from 9am to 2pm. The project is part of Disney’s “Give a day, get a day” program and eligible participants will earn a 1 park, 1 day pass for helping out.
This whole thing almost seems too good to be true. I mean, we work on mountain bike trails so we can enjoy them all year long which is really a reward in itself. But on top of that, you get a free pass to the happiest place on earth! (ok, second happiest – for me the first is Trail 401 in Colorado).
According to the invite I received, the Disney slots are almost full for the work day so sign up now. Even if your local club isn’t participating in the Disney promo, look at it this way: Give a day to the trails, enjoy 364 days of riding!