There are few things as frustrating as trying to get fueled up before a bonk during a ride. Reaching to unzip a fanny pack or into a jersey’s back pocket while holding the bars with one hand, trying to dodge rocks…well, if you were behind the wheel of a car, it’d be grounds for a citation.
Chrome now has a clever little bag just for that though. The Doubletrack Feed Bag costs an easy $40 and it’s a quick sell for anyone who geeks out over the perfect bag setup on their gravel bikes or hardtails, though no one says you can’t stick one of these on an XC or trail bike.
The Feed bag easily fits on to most frames, and I’ve relegated it to my Salsa Journeyman. There’s a horizontal velcro strip to strap to the steerer tube between the stem and headset, and vertical velcro straps that can be attached in a number of ways. I used one to attach the top of the bag to my bars and with these two straps, it’s stable with a full cargo. It’s not the perfect position, as my knee bumps into it a little while climbing out of the saddle, but I see it as a decent tradeoff, and it’s not like it’s covered in sandpaper.
The bag has a cinch top to keep goodies inside and off the trail. In the main pouch, there is room for an extra bottle with a few snacks lined around it. I’ve also used the extra pocket to stuff a windbreaker and snacks inside. On both sides of the bag, there are two external pockets, good for stuffing wrappers into.

So far, the Doubletrack Feed bag has been a pretty useful piece of gear to throw on the bike for easy fuel consumption when you’re in a group setting or just don’t feel like stopping to eat.
Sep 13, 2022