Bikepacking is hot, and Restrap is scratching right where bikepackers itch with innovative handmade bags built to haul copious amounts of overnight gear. Or not–we’re seeing riders all over (including our own Greg Heil) using frame bags for everyday rides to get weight off their backs and onto their bikes.
Restrap is based in the UK and stitches all their bags in house. Founder Nathan Hughes tells me he makes sure everyone on the production team has been bikepacking at least once to make sure they understand what customers expect from a solid pack. All packs are guaranteed against manufacturing defects for the life of the product.
The Restrap #carryeverything frame bags are fairly standard frame packs offered in three different sizes to fit your mountain bike’s particular front triangle situation. They’re made from cordura fabric with waterproof zippers for maximum durability and weather protection.
The #carryeverything saddle bag holder caught my eye thanks to its colorful use of paracord to tie the whole thing together. This means it’s field serviceable or, going the other direction, the parts can be used in a survival situation. The carrier is designed to work with a 13L dry bag (not included), but can generally support up to an 18L bag. The rigid holster feels super solid and is designed to stabilize your load through uneven terrain.
Restrap’s bar bag holder offers a super-easy way to attach a dry bag to your mountain bike’s handlebars and like the saddle bag, is designed around a 13L dry bag (not included but available for purchase). One of my favorite features on this and many of Restrap’s other packs is the unique magnetic closure system. While the buckles on these packs may look like standard pinch buckles we’re familiar with, they actually just slap into place thanks to an exclusive magnetic design. This makes the buckles easy to open and close with gloves on, yet they’re still strong enough to withstand cinching the most unruly of loads.
The bar bag holder also features an optional food bag that attaches using the same magnetic connectors found in the straps. This makes it a great place to store trail snacks or a phone for easy access on the bike.

And for those who just can’t allow themselves to leave ANYTHING at home, Restrap offers the Unite Backpack with six magnetic connectors that can be used to attach additional pouches. Of course, this defeats the purpose if you’re trying to get weight off your back, so many will opt to use the Unite as a commuter pack for its ability to carry a laptop.
If you’re thinking of giving bikepacking a try this year, take a look at the gear from Restrap. These durable and well thought out packs should get your gear where it’s going in style.