A fallen tree trunk and several logs are arranged in a wooded area, creating a natural pathway. The ground is covered with leaves and small plants, indicating a lush forest environment. Rangeline Nature Preserve mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +316/ -501 ft
Total: 91 riders

Mountain Biking Rangeline Nature Preserve

****   Add a review
#9 of 105 mountain bike trails in Indiana
#1,195 in the world

These trails have received a great deal of care and hard work over the past few years and have made it into one of the most technical trails in Indiana. There are numerous bridges, teeter totters, log crossings, skinnies, and a couple drops all included in the expert trail. The park is owned by he city of Anderson, but a logal group of guys have put in the hours to turn this into a gem. Tight, twisty and technical single track is at Rangeline Nature Preserve.

RNP has 3 loops; Novice, Intermediate, and Expert. Novice is smooth, fast, and flowing. Intermediate is narrow with a few natural obstacles. Expert is tighter, slower, and loaded with obtacles such as suspension bridge, elevated trail, gap jump, teeter totter, etc. Many more obstacles and trail modifications are in the works. All trails are single track. Novice = 2 miles Intermediate = 3 miles Expert = 6 miles

The trails are very easy to follow and marked with arrows. Direction is one way so please do not ride backwards (follow the arrows).

All trails start and end at the same location at the message board which is located at the West end of the parking lot in the skills area. See Google Maps directions above.

First added by TMac on Feb 13, 2006. Last updated May 4, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
All trails start and end at the same location at the message board which is located at the West end of the parking lot in the skills area. Rangeline Nature Preserve 1200 South Rangeline Road Anderson, IN 46012 googlemaps.com will find it.

Rangeline Nature Preserve Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Anderson, Indiana

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  • irv0735

    As others have mentioned, it could use some attention to get it back to prime. Still a great trail, but I'm a tall rider at 6'7" and found I had to lean forward to avoid the growth overhead for more of the ride than I would have liked. The "advanced" route was not terribly difficult, but still gave me a run for my money a couple of times. The shorter trail length and difficulty levels allows for a good warm up lap and then opportunity to hit it harder.

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  • William V. Ganis

    This felt like riding the ruins of a once-great park. The trails are mostly well-conceived, but many of the TTFs are in terrible shape. For instance, the pier has a huge rotted hole through it, and the Ewok Village has several displaced logs--it's pretty questionable. Of course, seeing these made me sketch out on some features that proved to be solid. Another peeve--there is some genuine overgrowth, but it also seems the trail builders purposely left low limbs on many sections of trail. If I'm going to get CTE from MTB, I'd rather do so from crashing than because someone really wanted to leave the bush honeysuckle.

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  • Tabby Carroll

    Trails used to be great, but they're getting a little overgrown and run down. The little skills park needs a lot of work.

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  • ijustwannaride

    No complaints here. I'm not hugely into grueling XC so the shorter laps work well for me because I like to push hard and not necessarily pace. The changes in surface make for a really good ride, from good grippy pack to sand to loose gravel. Trails are maintained real well. The narrows is a fun section with very narrow logs/trees place. I run 680mm bars and could get through pretty easy but did clip once. nice feature. Couldn't tell if there were natural berms forming or trail boss cuts but they were beautiful. Nice and flowy and a couple of sections of good rooty / washed out declines into fast berms into climbs. A nice section of rollers to wheelie over or pump over. good drops and a couple of real good flowy descents of grippy surface into hard corners with the surface changing to loose gravely substrate or sand. The dramatic changes in surface were probably the best feature to me and the fact that its the entire trail is short sweet and to the point. The trails are marked very very well.

    You can come for the first time for a day trip, learn the trail quick to start getting comfy and still have good energy to push fast.

    trailhead is marked well but there is a set of ROUGH traintracks that are not well marked on the way in if you follow Google maps coming from I69. be careful and slow down for it! have your bikes strapped in good or if you loose load your bikes go SLOW.

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  • Scurvy Films

    I love the Intermediate trail, the very beginning is technical with lots of roots and rocks, lots of fun hills, not like the area around, you can ride fast or slow however skilled you are. I always have loads of fun here. HUGE shout out to Jeff Carter who devoted 5 years to making that place great. The best trail I have been on.

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  • outlander   ✓ supporter

    The blue and green trails are fast and flowing with short climbs followed by fast decents. The trails are well thought of and groomed. The black trails certainly up the challenge factor. Fun trails. Highly recommend giving them a try.

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  • Nathan Deaver

    Great place for beginners and experts. Doesn't flow like say Brown County but it is a neat little place right in town. It's got fun little places where you can just play and flow and it's got trails that are very technical with man made obstacles. This is where myself and family started our Mountain biking ventures.

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  • offroadbikerdude

    Got to ride this for the first time today 9-12-15. The trail was marked very well. Went around once on novice trail, it was ok. On my second go around I Decided to do expert trail, it was a blast. Kept looking for a gap jump but didn't see it. Anyway, plenty of other obstacles to enjoy. Even though I live couple hours north, I will be back to ride this one again

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  • Brad price

    Very nice single tracks. Trails are marked well. For a smaller place this has a lot to offer. Expert trails are very technical and tight (loved them) also have fun surprises around on these trails. Thanks to RNP officials for stickers he was handing out.

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  • HollidayRoad

    short trail, but worth checking out. It does have some nice blind curves, and small up and downhill stuff. All in all i'ts a typical Indiana wooded trail with some fun little surprises.

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  • crmason

    Such a great track. It is very challenging, provides much speed with out much view with what's before. After riding and riding, the more fun it becomes.

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  • Trail Section X

    These trails are totally awesome. With so many copy cat trails in Indiana it's nice to have something unique. I have to disagree with the previous post. The trail workers find very interesting ways to make fun features out of what most people wouldn't put any thought into. A tree falls, they make a drop out it. The river floods they put a suspension bridge over it. Looks at the pics. These guys are real thinkers. A fallen tree is not just another obstruction to them. They see each facet that mother nature brings them as a new opportunity. When life brings them lemons they make delicious lemonaide. This trail is the most fun in Indiana by far.

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  • rangelinenaturepreserve

    Rangeline has 3 loops (Novice, Intermediate, and Expert) making it suitable for all skill levels. Novice is fast and flowing with no trail abstacles. Intermediate is a bit tighter with a log crossing or two. Expert is tight and technical with many trail obstacles including: log skinnies, log piles, suspended bridge, drops, jumps, elevated trail, and more. There is a skills park adjacent to the parking lot where you can play around while waiting on your friends to arrive.
    The trails are all well marked and one-way. Trail head is at the message board in the parking lot. Follow the arrows from there. Green circle is Novice, Blue square is Intermediate, and Black diamond is Expert. The trail system is well maintained. Copy&Paste this address into your browser for all the info you need: www.hmba.org/smf/index.php?topic=5437.0

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  • *****

    This is one of the more technical trails I have ridden in Indiana. Lots of man made obstacles, raised platforms, a huge drop into a downhill, log jams ect. The use of several large mounds make for some tight twisty camel backs. I had a blast and will be back as soon as I get a free moment!

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  • *****

    Love the trail.

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  • blanco_diablo

    I rode this earlier this year. I've been riding this for the past couple years and the trails have improved. I've ridden the expert trails but this year there was a new trail that wasn't even good enough to be a goat path. Loose loam and steep drop off's. Almost ruined the ride. You can take the road that goes back to the big field and the trail connects with the Anderson Greenway.

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  • Bubblehead10MM   ✓ supporter

    I'm agreeing with the other reviews. You can find some KML maps at HMBA dot org if you poke around the where to ride part. I've maped it and we'll have maps soon. There's a section on the W side that's all washed out, and I'd just skip if I could do it again. It's marked with a pink yarn and may be closed. Not on their map. Over all not much elevation but a TON of Flow Bumps. Just have to trust the trail builders. They're not trying to kill you, ... I think...mostly. It gets FAST in spots :D. Great ride. It's a good bit under the listed 10 miles. Easy loop 3 kliks, maybe 5 miles in total. bomb through the second time. The 29er felt over done in there. lots of tight stuff.* Review edited 6/10/2012

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  • trbrooks73

    Rode this on May 29, 2012. Great little MTN bike park. I like that you can connect sections of the expert trail with the intermediate trail. I first rode the intermediate, which was a moderate challenge for me. It offered technical challenges, speed, and an overall great experience.

    Then I attempted the expert trail, which kicked my butt....However, in my defense, it had lightly rained the night before so it was muddy and slippery, causing me to slide down several tight trails on steep grades.

    Overall, great place that I will ride regularly. I enjoyed the skills area after I completed my two rides.

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  • traybie

    I went to range line for the first time on Friday, I did the expert loop and it was awesome. Lots of challenging terrain, trails are well marked and well maintained. My only complaint is the low hanging branches every where! I did the intermediate loop after the expert and ended up slamming my head into a branch; had to get 19 stitches and broke my nose.....somebody needs to cut them down please!* Review edited 5/28/2012* Review edited 5/28/2012

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  • KKeg14

    This is one of my favorite trails because it is attainable for beginners yet challenging enough for more experienced riders. It has a good mix of easy rolling bumps along with some challenging hills and jumps.

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Rider questions

Q: Are runners welcome on these trails?
A: Runners are welcome and may run in either direction. Bicycles must ride counterclockwise.