This is a loop that encompasses a representative selection of intermediate tracks on the northern half of Mt Victoria. The companion Mt Vic Easy loop, which also starts and ends at the saddle point on Alexandra Road, encompasses a selection of easy grade tracks on the southern half of Mt Victoria.
The loop is well sign-posted, with small markers that show a bike and the word "Intermediate".
From the map board on the western side of the Alexandra Road saddle point, head north for almost 0.4km alongside Alexandra Road on the sections of Southern Mt Victoria track and Te Ranga A Hiwi track that coincide.
Immediately after crossing a sealed driveway, deviate away from Alexandra Road down The Dipper track and Mt Vic Summit track until you meet the Lookout Walkway track. Turn sharply left (southwest) and drop down the Lookout Walkway track past Charles Plimmer Park.
Finally, from the southern end of Charles Plimmer Park, follow the Hataitai to City track for 0.8km, ignoring the various side tracks and proceeding straight through several intersections. After a reasonable climb up, you'll arrive back at the Alexandra Road saddle point to complete the loop.
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