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Level: Intermediate
Length: 7 mi (11.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +466/ -236 ft
Total: 21 riders
Mountain Biking Mcintosh Reserve
#205 of 402 mountain bike trails in Georgia
This trail is mostly single track shared with horses. There are few good climbs. Get the map because the trail is not marked well. Take your time and ride all the trails to build some miles. The main road runs through the middle of the trails so there is always an easy way back to the car.
First added by rsreddish on Aug 16, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
30 miles south of the Atlanta airport. Take I 85 south to the Newnan exit, #47. Go west around the Newnan bypass to Hwy 27. Take 27 west to Whitesburg turn left at the round about on Hwy 5. McIntosh reserve is about 3 miles on the left. Pick up a map at the office.
Choose your least favorite trail system, let the air out of your tires, and go ride that.....you'll have more fun doing that than there is here. This place has a ton of potential if the trails were maintained. Horses have pretty much destroyed everything here. Also, the map is almost useless. There are so many alternate trails, side trails, short cuts, and cut-throughs that aren't on the map, you just about can't even figure out where you are exactly unless you can spot some sort of structure or road because trail marking is almost non-existant.
Thank |This was my first time here and I won't be back to ride these trails.
My friend and I went riding a day or two after it rained. Very sloppy. Might consider riding when it is dry. Also, watch out for horses and their droppings.
Thank |a hard slog when it's wet. I want to come back after 2 weeks of dry weather.
Thank |The last guy pretty much summed it up HORSES! I wouldn't drive here to ride unless I live next door to the place. Nothing to see here keep moving!
Thank |The only thing that makes these trails "More Difficult" is all the horse ruts. This is a popular location for equestrians and for some reason they really like going up steep hills when it's muddy. This really tears up the trail and makes the climbs very difficult. There is also a lot of horse poop on the trails as well.
Thank |This area has the acreage to offer 10 miles of hike/bike only trails that could be a lot of fun. Perhaps I can persuade SORBA to get involved and make it happen.
When you arrive just keep driving until you see the large field to the right and park under the trees between the field and the river. Mount your ride, head toward the river and turn left onto the riverside trail. This will lead you into the main trail area with options along the way.
Being out on my bike was nice, but this trail system wasn't worth the hour drive. Trail was largly washed out from water runoff and horse traffic. Climbs were rutted and not always possible to climb. Not very many fun downhills either. No signage and map was very basic. Main road did make it nice to get back to the car after a few hours in the woods.
Thank |Good trail with some excellent climbs. Some variety with river section, but mainly single track. Horse have made some rutes in the trail so take it slow.
Thank |