A trailhead sign for the North Country National Scenic Trail, attached to a tree, with a wooden post and small mailbox nearby. The surrounding area is lush with greenery, including ferns and tall grass, indicating a natural wooded environment. Kipp Rd mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 16 mi (25.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +367/ -86 ft
Total: 17 riders

Mountain Biking Kipp Rd

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#179 of 323 mountain bike trails in Michigan
#7,205 in the world

This is an out and back and can be ridden to Brutus rd and back for about a 10 mile ride or you can go further to Stutsmanville Rd and back for about 14 miles. Follow Stutsmanville road west for about 1 mile to the NCT trailhead (just east of Larks Lake Rd) and ride to Van Rd.
The trail starts on a fairly significant incline but after that its all fast and flowy with a few moderate climbs. The ride back is very quick!

First added by jburm on Jun 8, 2016. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Conway Mi, head south on 31 and then take a left onto N Conway Rd. Turn left onto Hathaway rd, follow it down until you see Kipp rd on your left. Follow Kipp rd about a quarter mile and you will see the trail head.

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Intermediate | 4 mi
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| 22 mi

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  • Highlifeman

    A long out-and-back totaling about 30 miles from Kipp Rd to Van Rd. Intermediate difficulty, only one technical feature (see below). Main trailhead is at Kipp Rd, but there is parking at several other spots along the trail (Kipp Rd, Stutsmanville Rd - south and north sections, Robinson Rd, and Van Rd). As described in other reviews, the first 2 miles is a grueling climb and very sandy in sections. It SEEMS mostly flat, but you are climbing - slowly - uphill in sand or soft dirt. There are a few small downhill sections, enough to keep it interesting. After Brutus Rd, the trail gets is much more fun, fast, and flowing. There is only one area (about 1 mile north of Brutus Rd) that is tricky, a very steep downhill with several roots, but otherwise, it is a fast XC trail.
    The south section of the trail ends at Stutsmanville Rd; Head west along the road, past Pleasantview Rd to the NCT trailhead (about 1 mile) to continue to the north section of the trail.
    The first 2 miles is through a mix of meadows and forest. A word of WARNING: the meadow is overgrown and several thorny bushes cross the trail. Long socks or even shin guards are recommended. You have to ride through this section twice, so be prepared.
    After the meadows, you cross Robinson Rd for more XC-style single track. The trail shares some sections of two-track, look for the blue NCT markings so you don't miss the main trail. The trail ends in a pine forest at Van Rd.
    The ride back is very fast. All the climbing is rewarded with a quick return trip. The last two miles returning to Kipp Rd, I feel like I only had to crank 2-3 times.
    Another note of caution, many of the downhill sections bottom out into sandy areas; be ready for them!
    Overall, a fun ride, but a lot of climbing. 99% of the trail is XC with almost no man-made features, aside from a bridge and couple of walkways through the meadow.
    Lots of sand, roots, rocks, and sand... did I mention sand?
    This is primarily a hiking trail (part of the NCT system) so watch out for hikers.
    There is no water or toilets at trailheads.
    Bring bug spray.
    I would rate higher, but the thorns in the meadow north of Stutsmanville rd cut my legs to shreds.

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  • Highlifeman

    A long out-and-back totaling about 30 miles from Kipp Rd to Van Rd. Intermediate difficulty, only one technical feature (see below). Main trailhead is at Kipp Rd, but there is parking at several other spots along the trail (Kipp Rd, Stutsmanville Rd - south and north sections, Robinson Rd, and Van Rd). As described in other reviews, the first 2 miles is a grueling climb and very sandy in sections. It SEEMS mostly flat, but you are climbing - slowly - uphill in sand or soft dirt. There are a few small downhill sections, enough to keep it interesting. After Brutus Rd, the trail gets is much more fun, fast, and flowing. There is only one area (about 1 mile north of Brutus Rd) that is tricky, a very steep downhill with several roots, but otherwise, it is a fast XC trail.
    The south section of the trail ends at Stutsmanville Rd; Head west along the road, past Pleasantview Rd to the NCT trailhead (about 1 mile) to continue to the north section of the trail.
    The first 2 miles is through a mix of meadows and forest. A word of WARNING: the meadow is overgrown and several thorny bushes cross the trail. Long socks or even shin guards are recommended. You have to ride through this section twice, so be prepared.
    After the meadows, you cross Robinson Rd for more XC-style single track. The trail shares some sections of two-track, look for the blue NCT markings so you don't miss the main trail. The trail ends in a pine forest at Van Rd.
    The ride back is very fast. All the climbing is rewarded with a quick return trip. The last two miles returning to Kipp Rd, I feel like I only had to crank 2-3 times.
    Another note of caution, many of the downhill sections bottom out into sandy areas; be ready for them!
    Overall, a fun ride, but a lot of climbing. 99% of the trail is XC with almost no man-made features, aside from a bridge and couple of walkways through the meadow.
    Lots of sand, roots, rocks, and sand... did I mention sand?
    This is primarily a hiking trail (part of the NCT system) so watch out for hikers.
    There is no water or toilets at trailheads.
    Bring bug spray.
    I would rate higher, but the thorns in the meadow north of Stutsmanville rd cut my legs to shreds.

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  • kipproadtrailhater23

    WHAT A HUGE LETDOWN! I normally don't write online reviews but this trail was such an utter dissapointment I wanted to spare my fellow Michiganders from ever experiencing this crappy trail. For starters it's a little hard to find but once you get on it it is mostly sand and hard to peddle up. Then at the top of the hill the is a steep sandy death trap of a descent into more sand. Even if you have the thickest of tires please don't waste your time. If you have any self respect you will go to Boyne or some other trail that is actually well put together and won't end in dissapointment and your utter demise. Okay that may be a bit extreme but you get the point.
    A Dissapointed Customer.

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  • kipproadtrailhater23

    WHAT A HUGE LETDOWN! I normally don't write online reviews but this trail was such an utter dissapointment I wanted to spare my fellow Michiganders from ever experiencing this crappy trail. For starters it's a little hard to find but once you get on it it is mostly sand and hard to peddle up. Then at the top of the hill the is a steep sandy death trap of a descent into more sand. Even if you have the thickest of tires please don't waste your time. If you have any self respect you will go to Boyne or some other trail that is actually well put together and won't end in dissapointment and your utter demise. Okay that may be a bit extreme but you get the point.
    A Dissapointed Customer.

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  • bbs31

    Fun trail! There are some parts that were tough for me, but I am probably more suited for intermediate ride. Would recommend trying! The only problem is there were about 6 downed trees throughout.

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Rider questions

Q: I read this trail was extended to Van Rd. Is there parking at Van Rd? I'm coming from Cross Village.
A: There is parking at Kipp Rd, Brutus Rd, Stutsmanville Rd (east of Larks Lake Rd), Robinson Rd, and Van Rd.