A narrow dirt path winding through a lush green forest, flanked by trees with budding leaves and sparse branches. The scene is bright and inviting, showcasing a tranquil natural setting. Jermain Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 7 mi (11.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +147/ -183 ft
Total: 100 riders

Mountain Biking Jermain Park

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#29 of 116 mountain bike trails in Ohio
#1,923 in the world

Trail dedication to be on October 2, 2010. Access from Jermain Park parking area. Route is counterclockwise with beginner areas and higher intermediate hills.

First added by jay_catlow on Sep 16, 2010. Last updated Jul 20, 2021. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: no
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: no
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I-475 to Upton to Jermain Park

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Toledo, Ohio

Beginner | 8 mi

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  • OhioFatBiker

    Work is being done on the trail to improve drainage. It’s not a destination trail in itself, but it is a fun trail if you are in the area. There are a couple really tricky sections

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  • mickeyol

    Terrible under water and it's August don't bother coming here plus your car isn't safe in parking lot

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  • jakekue3

    Pretty fun trail with a surpising amount of downhill for the area. If you are from this area, you know how flat it is here. I wouldn't go out of my way to make it here but if its closest trail to you (or if its the second closest but the closest is munson park which is absolutely flat) its a fun workout with a couple challenges.

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  • offroadbikerdude

    Nothing difficult about this trail. A few obstacles that were marked were fun. The trail is marked very well except where a new amphitheater was built, but I figured out you go straight up the side of the hill beside the amphitheater. Pretty flat trail but the switchbacks and slick spots keep it interesting.

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  • jasonfc141

    Great job on the trail Toledo, making the best of what we have!!!! This trail was extremely well marked and had some nice skill challenges. I had a a lot of fun riding on this trail, and it utilizes a good amount of space downtown. I could use more jumps, that would throw some more fun into the mix. All in all a great trail for the city of Toledo, and it's residents. I hope more people can go and try it out.

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  • Tim Brakefield

    I had never trail ridden before, saw a youtuber out in CO do it and it looked like alot of fun. Grabbed my old Diamondback Wildwood(Sporting Goods Store bike) from my parents house, and gave it a whirl. Needless to say I was surprised by the challenge that it gave me. One very steep sandy switchback in particular and a pretty much destroyed Monroe underpass made it impossible to stay on the bike the entire trail. I was glad to see there was a lot of work done to maintain the trail in the way of removing downed trees, mowing of some long grass that was growing up to the edges of the trail.

    Learned my lesson, made some cheap but important improvements to the bike(Properly adjusted brakes, new saddled, properly adjusted derailuers, swapped my grip shifts from another old bikes trigger shifters, adjusted saddle height, new cables/housing, lower tier pressure) and some improvements to my skills(Learned to manual, bunnyhop, ect..) Don't worry I plan to get an actual MTB soon.

    Second go round was very fun, the track dried out a bit and it was much faster and flowey, I was more confident and the Monroe underpass was fixed. Overall I think I found a new hobby thanks to youtube, and a group of MTN Bikers who made something I never would expected to exist in the middle of Toledo.

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  • Richard Hespen

    I was pleasantly surprised by this trail system. Although it pales in comparison to the better trail systems out there, it was more than I expected from a small park right in the center of Toledo. The trail system has limited elevation change and the "expert" areas will make you giggle, unless you really feel multiple warning signs are necessary for a small jump. Still, the system has decent flow for the limited space and there are even a few berms to be found. I was really impressed by the skills area, which is the best I've ever seen (or was the best). It is sadly overgrown and appears to see no use. I found it enjoyable anyway. Speaking of seeing no use. I rode after work on a beautiful evening in the fall (perfect weather) and I was the only one on the trail. How can that be when the system is right in the middle of a good size city? Hey Toledo, get out and ride!

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  • ang0896

    Decent trails, but not super long. Plenty of mud and one or two decent climbs. The few man made "obstacles" that can be avoided. Occasionally you will run into a downed tree that you will need to portage over. One of the better trails in the area

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  • nefoster2

    If you're looking for a pretty nice relaxing ride with a bit of excitement this is the trail for you. There are a few nicely constructed jumps, minimal hills and small obstacles.
    A lot of the switchbacks I found to be extremely tight, causing me to lose a lot of momentum. I ran into a couple areas in which a tight switchback was right in front of a steep hill. Annoying but not impossible.
    When it gets muddy, a lot of areas get very slick. Be careful, please wear a helmet.

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  • Steve Mattis

    Overall great trail for the area. Muddy in many spots. Road many different trails all over but never had to worry about deer getting off the trails multiple times like I did here.

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  • ohiomp84

    Awesome trail! What a great resource for the area! Great obstacles, great upkeek.

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  • Ryan Tester

    A great local asset, especially for the city it is located in.
    6.5 mile track, clearly marked. Track was completed last year, so anybody with a negative review before last summer hasn't experienced the new trail.
    Trailhead starts in Jermain Park, just off the parking lots by the tennis courts. You can also park near the police substation in neighboring Ottawa park and begin there. The trail has a few good climbs coupled with fast, winding descents. Lots of "simple" singletrack, but also a good mix of obstacles, a few of which are pretty technical, and a few spots to get in some good air.
    Trail is divided into four areas, separated by Monroe St., Upton Ave. and the cul-de-sac in Ottawa Park, behind the Police station/museum. When crossing Upton and Monroe, you go under the overpasses.
    Trail can be pretty awful when it is muddy, but don't let a little rain stop you - it takes a decent amount to make it not worth riding.
    Don't come expecting the world's best singletrack, but have fun. Trail is kept well-maintained by the local MBX group, Toledo Free Ride.
    Also check out the jump park and pump track just off the parking lot in Jermain Park.

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  • jkrout

    Pretty nice trail for a metropark. The natural terrain is nothing to marvel at but they trail crew has built some nice jumps and features that make it a fun trail. It was a little wet and leaf covered when I rode so I'm looking forward to heading back when its dry and being able to hit those features with more speed. The new jump lines and pump track look great. Unfortunately those were too wet to ride. Looking forward to coming back in the summer months and riding everything.

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  • brett5430

    Not bad for a inner city mtn bike trail. Especially for Toledo Ohio. Gonna ride it again Sunday morning. There in the process of making it bigger. Keep an eye out for deer.

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  • jay_catlow

    This trail has been improved and increased to 6.5 miles with more technical areas. There will be a new grand opening for the new trails and the jump park on July 27, 2013 (3-7pm), with events and prizes for all ages.

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  • *****

    A fantastic resource to have so close to home. Don't expect a southern Michigan type trail...come on this is the black swamp....don't drive a distance and expect your trip to be worth it, but this trail has challenging features, especially with the new section open this spring, A terrain/skills park is also underway. Thank your toledo free riders and the toledo metro parks for lots of hard work and hours to provide a great local asset.

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  • jrerickson724

    Toledo is flat so don't be frustrated when you don't find yourself mysteriously in the foothills of the Rockies. That being said, this is an excellent singletrack given the usable terrain. It's fast and fun and very well maintained. Since it's inception a few years ago, there have been continual positive additions every year. In March of 2013 there was an additional 3 miles of track added making the unofficial total somewhere near 6 miles. The section that was added in 2012 made this track significantly more difficult as it winds along a steep ravine and adds some short but difficult climbs and descents. This track is at it's best when it's dry. It does not handle moisture well at all. If it's marginally wet, stay away from the inner loops. You have an option to stay on the outer loop - it's the funnest part anyway. The trail is currently marked out pretty well. However, with the new additions there are plans to remark everything. It's my understanding that this will happen soon. Oh yeah, ride counterclockwise. Have a blast. I do.

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  • ****

    I'll start by saying I am not a hugely expirenced mountain biker. I am training for an Xterra triathlon in a few months and came here to ride tonight. I talked to a guy in the parking lot who told me try out the "new" section. Go right at the trail head then under the bridge. That was the most technical section if single track I've ever expirenced. For people who ride more often than I do I'm sure it would be less of a white knuckle expirence. I was pretty discouraged after that but kept coming around to the "old" section. It was flatter and had fewer roots which allowed me to rebuild some confidence. That section was less exciting but better for a less expirenced rider. A few tight switchbacks. Tonight the conditions were pretty ideal. Mostly hard pack with a few sandy/dry turns. The only mud I ran into was at the very bottom of a few little dips. There were a couple close encounters with deer along the way! All in all I think it was a fun place to ride!

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  • sophie10

    Fun in town riding. Worth checking out especially if you have limited time

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  • ****

    Good for a quick speedy ride

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