Thanks to everyone who participated in the Sacred Rides trail review contest last month. With more than 140 participants, this has been one of our biggest contests yet thanks to the amazing prizes offered by our sponsors Sacred Rides and Singletracks members added 1,681 trail photos and 385 reviews and embedded 2,457 new trail videos in just 16 days!
In the end, theUfan walks away with the BC Bike Trip for Two after earning 2,064 points. Goo earned 1,713 points for second and will take home the GPS watch and mount while joetutt scored 1,450 points and the $100 gift card.
Nine members scored at least 50 points which earned them free singletracks t-shirts and everyone else (all 129 of you) gets free singletracks stickers. We had a blast moderating the contest and finding new mountain bike trails across the world. Now it’s time to hit the trail and ride!
For everyone who made the leaderboard, look for an email this week confirming your prize and requesting shipping details.