Every fall IMBA announces its new model trail selections. In years past, their announcements just encompassed the new IMBA “Epic” trails, but in recent years they have expanded the number of model trail categories they offer to include ride centers, flow trails, and gateway trails, as well as epics.
Read on to check out IMBA’s newest Model Trail selections:
Ride Centers
IMBA Ride Centers are true destinations that hold enough riding for you to make a vacation out of it. Not only are the trails excellent, but the amenities in the nearby community are superb as well.
Burns Lake, British Columbia

Coldwater Mountain, Alabama

Helena, Montana

Livigno, Italy

Rychlebske Stezky, Czech Republic

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

According to IMBA, “with the addition of new Model Trail classifications in recent years, IMBA has returned the Epics to the original intent of the designation—demanding, singletrack adventures in a natural setting. The 2013 class of Epics celebrates true backcountry riding experiences that are technically and physically challenging, more than 80 percent singletrack and at least 20 miles in length.”
Cooper’s Gap, Rothrock State Forest, Pennsylvania

Olallie Ridge, Sisters, Oregon
Park City Epic, Park City, Utah

Alps Trail Davos, Davos, Switzerland

Flow Trails
Flow trails are designed to be rideable by beginner riders, but if you pick up the speed, the challenge and the fun hidden in these trails really begins to show!
Candyland, Spirit Mountain, Duluth, Minnesota

Coldsprings Flow, Coldwater Mountain, Anniston, Alabama

Flow Motion, Sandy Ridge Trail System, Sandy Ridge, Oregon

Gateway Trails
According to IMBA, “Gateway Trails are family friendly, positioned close to population centers and offer natural surfaces with moderate grades to create a widely accessible introduction to mountain biking.”
Big Hollow Trail, Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

Blueberry Lake Trails, Warren, Vermont

Your Turn: Did a trail not get inducted this year that you think deserves to be on this list? Let us know about it in the comments section below!
Oct 26, 2013
Feb 21, 2017
Oct 26, 2013
Oct 26, 2013
Great timing too, we rode all over Helena last weekend. Just over 26 miles and over 4200 feet of elevation gain...and we even "cheated" by getting shuttled and skipped 1k of climbing!
I haven't hit any of the bike shops there, but the Brew House has some great food and drinks!
Oct 29, 2013