The Marin Independent Journal posted an article yesterday about Steven Gravenites and his fight in federal court over a $60 fine for riding an illegal bike trail. The entire series of events is rather entertaining, read the article if you have a few minutes.
While the entire case and subsequent defense is rather preposterous, Steven did get a chance to talk about mountain biking issues in Marin county. He points to the fact that Marin was the birthplace of mountain biking which should be a source of local pride – yet Marin is one of the least mountain bike friendly areas in the US.
Gravenites also tried to defend his actions by stating that he didn’t realize the trail he was riding was illegal since there was no sign – a defense many of us may have contemplated using ourselves. Unfortunately the judge didn’t buy it and basically said bikers should only ride trails where biking is EXPRESSLY ALLOWED (i.e. if it’s not posted either way, don’t ride it). Legal precedent? Crap.