Do you need a way to transport you bike but don’t feel like shelling out hundreds of dollars for a hitch rack? Well, look no further because I’ve got a solution for you that’s quick and requires only a few common tools. This rack can be used in any pickup truck bed and in most SUVs.
For this project you’ll need:
- 1 piece of wood (ideally a 2×6 or bigger)
- 1 1/2″ floor flange (per mount)
- 1 1/2″ tee fitting (per mount)
- 1 1/2″ nipple fitting (per mount)
- 2 Close PVC risers (per mount)
- 4 wood screws (per mount)
Tools required:
- A saw (if the wood is not pre cut)
- A drill
- A tape measure and a writing utensil
- Pliers (optional)
The rack I built with two mounts cost a total of $21.37 for the finished product. If you have common materials laying around the house (like wood and screws) and only need a single mount you can easily get away with building this setup for $10. Check out the video for detailed instructions on how to set this rack up!