Any opinions expressed in this article belong to the author alone, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Singletracks.com.
As far as New Year’s Resolutions go, losing weight tends to be a pretty popular one. Reduced weight is generally associated with improved health and energy, and I think the same can be said for mountain bikes and the bike industry too. After years of letting themselves go, it’s time mountain bikes got serious about losing weight again.
Loosening of constraints
Today’s mountain bikes look pretty similar to the bicycles produced in the 1800s for one simple reason: no one has come up with a more efficient and effective design. Despite all the advances in technology in the past two centuries, the most efficient way for a human being to move under their own power still involves two skinny wheels, a set of pedals, and a handlebar for steering. Whether we’re riding XC or enduro, we demand our mountain bikes let us move as fast as possible while expending the the least amount of physical energy. In that way, light weight is a big part of what makes a bike, a bike.
But we also want comfort. And dropper posts. And grippy, durable tires. Early bike riders were similarly demanding. Bikes produced in the 1800s, many weighing 80 pounds or more, were known as bone shakers because their wooden frames and wheels did little to smooth the bumps in dirt and cobblestone roads. Soon pneumatic tires and steel frames came along and not only made bikes more comfortable and capable, they also made bikes lighter and therefore easier to pedal. Let that sink in for a moment; bikes became more capable AND less heavy at the same time.
The aviation industry has followed a similar path to innovation with world-changing results. Perhaps the most famous aviation pioneers, the Wright Brothers, worked as bike builders and mechanics before taking to the skies in their ground-breaking flight at Kitty Hawk. Like bicycles, airplanes need to be as lightweight as possible, and for this reason both industries are known for experimenting with cutting-edge materials like titanium and carbon fiber. Lightweight airplanes are easier to get off the ground; lightweight bicycles are easier to pedal up the mountain.
Take a look at any mountain bike magazine or advertisement from the 1990s and you’ll see at least one photo of someone lifting a bike over their head. It was a big deal then (and now) to own a bike that was rugged enough to ride just about anywhere, and yet lightweight enough to toss around like a piece of luggage. In the 1990s we placed bikes on the roof of our cars with our bare hands. Today we have ramps and lifts to make it easier to get your bike up and onto your hitch rack. SMH.
I can’t quantify this exactly but from my perch, it seems like weight constraints have been relaxed in mountain bike design over the past six or seven seasons. These days we’re seeing more trail bikes in for test that tip the scales above 30 pounds than below 30, a reversal from several years ago. This $8,000+ downcountry high tech wünderbike weighs nearly 32lb. Another bike we’re currently testing comes with the latest wireless drivetrain, incredibly responsive suspension, truck-stopping brakes, and killer tires — and it weighs almost 35lb out of the box.
Yes, we’ve added dropper posts and complex linkages. But we also lost front derailleurs, inner tubes, extra chainrings, and on the latest bikes, even the shifter cables and housing are gone. What happened?
I say ditch the functional but frumpy sweatpants, and bring sexy back.
Three years ago Singletracks wrote that bike weight shouldn’t be a primary concern to most riders, and in general I still agree with the sentiment. But as any artist or designer knows, constraints are an important driver of innovation and without them, we’re often left with bloated, lazy results that bring neither joy nor excitement. Making a component both lighter and more durable requires some seriously creative thinking, and those innovative solutions are the things that make bikes sexy. I say ditch the functional but frumpy sweatpants, and bring sexy back.
The eMTB in the room
Earlier I said we want our mountain bikes to ride fast while expending as little physical energy as possible. So what happens when physical energy is no longer a limitation? It would be tempting to conclude that weight doesn’t matter anymore, but the fact is it’s just as important, if not more so.
Adding weight to e-bikes is basically a doom loop of ever-increasing heaviness. Just look at electric vehicles; buyers want more range, but that requires bigger, heavier batteries which reduces efficiency and requires even more power, resulting in this. Similarly, our e-bikes will need to find innovative ways to get lighter in order to avoid the path to diminishing returns.
If mountain bikes get much heavier, fewer of us will want to pedal them uphill anymore, and the e-bikes will have won.
Since eMTBs weigh more than non-electrics, their components need to be more robust to maintain the same level of performance and durability. This isn’t an unreasonable tradeoff since the motor can compensate by doing a bit more work for the rider. But if traditional mountain bikes get heavier and more robust too, fewer of us will want to pedal them uphill anymore, and the e-bikes will have won.
A heavy mountain bike wants to stay planted and smash rocks. So we add burlier tires and wheels to avoid flats, which makes our bikes even heavier. A lightweight bike allows the rider to tread more smoothly, lofting over obstacles and avoiding many of the hardest impacts altogether.
Pick two: Cheap, lightweight, or high performance
It would be one thing if the prices of mountain bikes were going down, but they’re not. (Notwithstanding recent supply-related price reductions, some of which are ultimately a return to pre-pandemic levels anyway.) On average buyers are getting heavier but not cheaper bikes. Given the three major constraints — price, weight, and performance — it feels as if we’ve been offered just a single choice lately.
Not that it’s a bad choice. Most of us will agree that today’s mountain bikes are the best they’ve ever been in terms of comfort, durability, and capability. But in my opinion they would be even better if they were lighter than the year before, and the year before that. Easier to pedal and climb. Easier to get into the air, and more playful too. Better proportioned to a wider range of riders, including women and kids. Capable of transporting us hundreds of miles off the grid for days at a time, completely self-supported. A more natural extension of ourselves.
Lighter weight equals better performance and we shouldn’t separate the two.
Of course the lightest weight bikes today are also generally the most expensive, and none of us wants to see bike prices climb just to save a few extra grams. Fortunately history shows that over time the innovations and technologies developed to address constraints at the top end of the market eventually make it down to the average consumer. Yet without clear consumer demand, outside of elite racing there is little incentive for brands to look for additional weight savings.
Making mountain bikes that are lighter and more capable isn’t easy, but as history shows it’s not impossible either. It’s time for mountain bikes to start losing weight again.
Jan 9, 2024
Jan 11, 2024
I do it routinely with a plusser of 4130 and 30:14 gears. Annnnnd, I did it while on chemo.
My Middlechild weighs in at 27.25 luxurious pounds of singlespeed. Perfectly pleases my need for dirt and trialsy playtime.
Jan 9, 2024
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 11, 2024
The weekend consumer thinks its cooler to be on cushier more travel at the expense of weight. I see so many riders now pushing there bike up hill (including ews) and doing shorter rides. All this happened in the past ten years. Almost at the same time ebikes started to get fun. The overlap prevents these heavy bike buyers from purchasing a ebike and they are stuck pushing up hill. 75% of 35 pound enduro owners should have bought an ebike.
BUT is they would have bought a Transition Smuggler or a Epic EVO, they would be stoked going up and downhill.
Jan 9, 2024
I'm not a lightweight rider, I don't jump, and I ride black and the odd double-black trails here in BC. I somehow managed to ride without flatting and breaking stuff. So please don't overbuild everything. There is a category for that and it's called downhill.
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 12, 2024
Jan 14, 2024
Jan 9, 2024
Jan 9, 2024
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 16, 2024
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 9, 2024
Jan 15, 2024
If you want MORE capability, a modern aggressive trail bike will be heavier. My Ripmo AF with burly parts is 35 pounds but nearly bulletproof-but there's no getting around the extra mass on a sustained climb.
If you want the SAME capability of a bike from a decade (or more) ago, you'll be looking down 1-2 intended use categories and the new bike will weigh about the same or less.
So I'd argue that bikes haven't gotten heavier so much as bike buyers have gotten to expect more performance from their "trail" bikes. On a demanding trail, I'll grab the heavy modern trail bike every time (and I'm fortunate enough to live in a place where that's warranted). For daily after work rides, I'll grab the light one every time.
Jan 16, 2024
Exactly. So I'm asking for a modern, aggressive, high performance trail bike that weighs the same as a trail bike from a decade ago. (Or even better, a tough trail bike that weighs as little an XC bike!) Not an easy task but I think it could be possible given the advancements we've seen over the years.
Feb 21, 2024
Jan 12, 2024
Feb 24, 2024
Jan 12, 2024
Jan 13, 2024
Jan 19, 2024
Jan 16, 2024
Jan 9, 2024
Weight has always been the monkey on the back of the bike industry, for years brands were hamstrung in design ideas because doing it right was heavier, despite the fact things would last longer, perform better, and be sustainable if they weren't required to be counting grams. I remember the bikes from the 90s, is that really want you want to return to? Brake jack so bad that the bike actively tries to pitch you over the front, tires that barely grip, 26in wheels, short wheelbases and reaches, AWFUL suspension performance, v-brakes, rigid seatposts, the list goes on.
These innovations we have had in the last two decades come with a weight penalty, but of all the penalties you can take, weight matters the least. Our brakes are powerful enough to stop a 300lb rider on a 50% grade without fading, suspension actually works and tracks well, kinematics produce good tracking performance and pedaling, dropper posts allow more movement on the bike, wheelbases that provide actual stability, tires that don't flat if you kick them wrong, and all of these components are largely stronger, more durable, and last longer than anything we had in the 90s. If you want to return to the era of 23lb bikes then these things will have to be sacrificed, but ultimately, it really doesn't matter. Things like rolling resistance, pedaling performance, and geometry will have a far greater impact on the way a bike performs than it being a few pounds lighter.
If anything, the bike industry needs to continue on this path and move away from all this gram counting, the reality being that a few pounds of non-rotational weight is trivial to almost every rider.
Jan 10, 2024
Seems reasonable to go up maybe 2lbs for ever 10mm front travel designed in for any bike designed to be ridden instead of coasted.
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 9, 2024
I also think everyone has a different idea of what is too heavy; a 23lb weight is generally out of reach for a bike with a dropper and all the modern tech. But can we at least get back down to 30 again? I hope so.
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 10, 2024
Jan 10, 2024
On the road, I'm riding a 17 lbs Venge, and love it -- doesn't need to be weight weenie to be fast, but I wouldn't even consider the Venge if it weighed 20oz more.
Jan 10, 2024
Most of the bikes I've built lately could have been lighter by ditching coil suspension, going with narrower IW wheels, thinner casings, and ditching inserts. I think for bikes in the SST/Spur/Optic category, 30lbs is entirely feasible if you aim for it, but you are going to be fighting the weight added by the reach numbers and materials, along with compromising performance to save a few pounds. I think given where bikes are now, we aren't going to see much more of a weight increase aside from the eventual inevitable adoption of either 1.8 steerers or dual crown forks for enduro bikes in the 170mm+ category. I think there's a limit to how much longer reaches/wheelbases people are willing to accept and linkage designs don't seem to be getting more complex (or, in some cases, are getting simpler).
Jan 11, 2024
While I am in no way a weight weenie, I can certainly deal without 2.4/5" tires that weigh as much as a 4.8 with 300 studs installed!!