Trails in Southern Ohio


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    • #121283

      I was just wondering if anyone knew of any decent trails in southern Ohio? I went to the one on Scioto Trails and wasn’t impressed. The trail was tore up and couldn’t go more than half a mile. Are there any better one around the area

    • #121284

      Lake hope would be your best bet for southern Ohio 23 miles worth of trails.. Dillion is also a good track over in Zanesville which is about an hr or so east of Columbus of I70. We rode the yellow trail there last sunday and it tested us pretty thoroughly.

    • #121285

      Strouds Run and Sells Park in Athens is a great trail network. It takes you over into the Dow Lake area with some sweet singletrack. Also, don’t forget the Wayne National Forest and the trails in the city of Marietta. All a great option. There is some awesome trails in Southern Ohio. Enjoy

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