Tragic Mountain Biking Death in Alabama

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    • #78426

      Just read an article about a college freshman who fell to his death this week at Wildwood Park in Florence, AL. Apparently the guy fell off his bike THEN fell down a bluff into a creek.

      According to the article he wasn’t wearing a helmet and *may* have been riding an illegal trail at the time.

      An IMBA spokesperson is quoted in the article saying that there are usually about half a dozen mountain bike-related deaths in the US each year (hadn’t seen that stat before). The spokesperson also claims most of those deaths occur at ski areas with high speed downhill runs.

    • #78427

      Man, I hate to hear that. But with fun often comes risk unfortunately, and I think we all know that, even if we try to push it WAY into the back of our minds. My thoughts are with his friends and family.

      Last year I did an endo on a trail. No big deal really. I landed on the trail and scratched up my arms a bit, but my bike went down the hill about 30 feet. It only stopped because it hit a downed tree, otherwise it had potential to keep going.

      Afterwards, I started thinking, what if my bike stayed on the trail, and I went down the hill? Maybe nothing, but in any situation if things line up just right (or just wrong), there can be serious injury or fatality.

    • #78428

      I know what you mean…The trail that i frequent often is cut along a long ridge of a valley. And even though i have ridden it for years there are spots on it that if i vear off a foot or two i am going down an embankment for about a good 60 – 80ft… Then a big splash into a flowing river. It could hurt.

    • #78429
      "Mongoose" wrote

      [quote="trek7k":3ovbxr8p]The spokesperson also claims most of those deaths occur at ski areas with high speed downhill runs.

      Sad to say, but that is all truth and nothing but the truth!!!! 😢

      Ugh, that sucks.

      To be honest I NEVER ride any of the ski resorts/areas in the biking season. A good deal of them have riding trails, tons of ramps, and bridges and all. But regardless still sad to hear of deaths like this.

    • #78430

      I always wear a helmet when I ride. I have had the unfortunate chance of seeing several fatal head injuries (motorcycle and such) and not wearing a helmet isn’t worth it. Of course I always wear a seatbelt in the car too…

    • #78431

      I saw a guy riding the local greenway today wearing a hard hat. Not sure if that’s much better than no helmet at all 😀

    • #78432

      After 5-years in an Operating Room with Orthopaedic Surgeons has given me all the motivation I need to wear a brain bucket…Florence Al, is very mountainous from what I remember driving through to get to the in-laws

    • #78433

      When I first started trail riding, I weeble-wobbled on a skinny trail. Next thing you know I endo-ed over the hill side with my bike hitting me solid in the head. Without a hemet that would have been at least 6 or so stiches. Got a little scratch on my hand and that was it (a little wounded pride too).
      That convinced me to never ride without a helmet.

      Have been wearing a helmet when skiing too for the last 3 years.

    • #78434

      For those who have been on Porcupine Rim in Moab, you are about 2′ from certain death in areas.

      Very sad news indeed.

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