"No Smiles" Policy for Driver Licenses

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    • #79277

      I have nothing against this at all. Seems more like a security measure. I would rather not smile and be more secure. Wait…. Do you know many that show off their licence pic? Most people I know are embarassed by it, so does it really matter?

      Secong. driving is a privlage NOT a right.

    • #79278

      A while back some muslim lady wanted her picture taken with her beekeeper outfit on (slang I use for the attire a muslim woman wears to cover her mug). Needless to say it didn’t fly. Well you can guess, the stupid hag tried to sue. WTF?? 😏

      And if you are a muslim and are offended by this….tough luck. It’s my belief that if you are in America you need to abide by our laws.

    • #79279

      i don’t see anything wrong with the facial expressions thing. Aside from the photo recognition thing it probably makes it easier for police and security to make a positive ID. How amny people actually smile when they are pulled over or are trying to get through airport security and such places?

    • #79280
      "Mongoose" wrote

      Devin, you hit it right on the money bro! 😮 😮 I have never smiled when ever I was ever pulled over, even if it was only a few times in my entire life. Not a funny thing at all, especially if you know you are getting a ticket or other worse consequences. I try to smile about everything in life, but not with all things.

      Then perhaps when getting your photo taken for your I.D. they should say, before the picture, here’s your $200 fine for filling out the form wrong. Then depending on how they are feeling, they can either tell you they are lying or, give you a real fine, of course to prevent those smiles 😃

    • #79281

      That would be mean and unethical 😮 BUT it sounds like a funny TV show idea 😄

    • #79282

      As for the Muslim chick, she should be so glad to be here and therefore able to even have a drivers license that she should lose the beekeeper headset out of pure celebration.

    • #79283
      "cujo" wrote

      And if you are a muslim and are offended by this….tough luck. It’s my belief that if you are in America you need to abide by our laws.

      straight up. and you need to learn our language.

    • #79284

      …and "our" language would be…

      (Hint, the US has no official language)

    • #79285

      Don’t get me wrong, I think English *should* be the official language, just pointing out that it’s currently not. 😉

    • #79286

      English is the official language of the U.S. government. There was a lawsuit in Miami involving a 911 worker that could not learn Spanish quickly enough and the worker WON because of this fact. She passed the call to a spanish speaking employee whenever she got a person who only spoke spanish. Her spanish speaking boss had a problem with this and had her fired. 😏 WTF?

    • #79287
      "maddslacker" wrote

      …and "our" language would be…

      (Hint, the US has no official language)

      and i was thinking about the fact that english is from, well, england… but seriously, illegal mexicans refusing to learn english frustrates me. either immigrate legally or learn the language, your choice.

    • #79288

      I’ve got nothing against legal immigrants. I am one myself. I was born in Hungary, but I’ve lived in the US since I was 7 months old and I am a citizen of the US and my father served in the US Army. I am VERY patriotic and love America…but not the greed and corruption. I cannot stand illegal immigrants that come to this country and expect welfare and healthcare, all the while paying no taxes, protesting for their rights…you’re an illegal alien! You broke our laws and expect to be catered to. Drain our economy. Hospitals in California being bankrupt because you don’t pay your hospital bills, etc…You work cheap and put American citizens out of jobs. I’m over you guys. Illegal aliens suck. Sorry about my rant, but I am a truck driver and I am seeing Florida being overwhelmed with immigrants (mostly illegal I’m sure). Walk up to a construction site and count how many Americans you see building our homes…it’s alarming. If this rant offends anyone, I don’t care because I am offended by the illegals raping our country. It has to stop.

    • #79289

      whoa, this thread is steering out of it’s original content. Let’s just keep it friendly as the Goose said 😀. Cause even if we aren’t the same nationality, we are all bikers at heart, and that right there is what counts! (at least to me)

    • #79290

      oops. Sorry about the negativity, I tend to speak my mind sometimes and go off in a rant. 😳

    • #79291

      Well , when I passed my drivers test and was standing infront of the camera at the dmv, there was no way I wasn’t gonna smile. I was so stoked to be getting my license and go cruising all day long.

      But, then comes renewal, and they tell you you owe hundreds of dollars in points on your license. You thought when you paid off your tickets that, that was the end of it, and you’re all clear. But no, you have to pay more, and you will because with no license you’re hooped.

      So the picture on your license the second time around, has no smile.

      Atleast mine didn’t

      And I love illegal Mexicans, I married one.

    • #79292

      As a resident of one of the "non-smiling states", I’ll just have to think about how much its costs to drive and that should take the smile right off my face. 😮 Of course in the US, we love to drive no matter what it costs. When I was growing up 16 was the age of true freedom through a drivers license, and the age when I parked my bicycle for about the next 15 years. 😳

      Now, thinking about Mountain Biking always puts a smile on my face and gets me through even when I am having a bad day at work. 😃

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