It’s a beautiful day!

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    • #85178

      As any of you Virginians out there know, it has been raining for days…and days…and, well, you know. It felt so good to get out and ride this morning. No singletrack (all closed..for days I’m sure), but we got in about 14 miles of forest roads at Pocahontas State Park. We rode some we have ridden before, but took the opportunity to explore and check out roads we’ve never been on. And what a workout. We even found this little rock quarry and sessioned (I used the term very loosely) that for a while. When we started it was about 44 degrees, and it was about 65 by the time we finished. Ahhh, blue sky, mild temps…it felt so good to ride again. I hope everyone else gets in a great ride today too.

    • #85179
      I hope everyone else gets in a great ride today too.

      Wet snow here on the front range of colorado,and the dang temp in the washington redskins and denver broncos game start is 72 degrees,go figure…….. 😠

      I think I’ll have to hit up some fire roads like you fleetwood just to get some pedalling in….

    • #85180

      Yeah with all the rain lately I’ve had cabin fever. Decided to do something a little different to just get out and ride; the D.C. Tweed Ride!
      Jolly good fun chaps!

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