Re: hands get cramped on steep downhill…


Excellent points you two, and not sure why i did not mention that. Mind was elsewhere I guess… 😆

One other thing is to not keep your arms stiff (or straight) while riding in general, but especially when aggressive riding. Keep a least a little bend in the elbows, as this will give you more strength, better grip, and much less pain in general from hands to shoulders, shoulders to ribs, and neck to head. When you are stiff, especially in the arms, hands, hips and legs, you have no real comfortable control of the bike and it can get away from you much easier. With full squishes you need to learn the technique of loading and unloading your suspension (front and back) through many various types of terrain and disciplines of riding.

The key is to stay relaxed while riding so you will have much fun shredding instead of it feeling like a unneeded or painful workout…. 😄 This will keep you more focused on fun and give you more flexibility on the bike. Also, make sure you have the right size frame for your weight and height, your saddle and saddle post adjusted to the proper riding, and the stem height, angle and length set for you.

Again…..Have fun, as this is what it is all about…. 😄