Are dogs a mountain biker’s best friend? For many, the answer is yes! That’s not to say every dog is cut out to come along on every ride, and some need a bit more help than others. Still others just aren’t cut out for trail rides, and that’s ok.
Bonus question: Do leash laws factor into which trails you choose to ride, either with or without your dog? Note: You can also share a photo of your trail pooch using the comment form!
Mar 26, 2022
Mar 22, 2022
Apr 16, 2022
Apr 13, 2022
Mar 21, 2022
This doesn't even take into account of the impact your dog has on everything else going on around it. "Voice control" can only go so far, and your dog will chase cattle, wildlife, or other trail users. Nobody wants to be whipping through some singletrack and have your dog jump out in front of it, or slow them down because your dog doesn't know to get out of the way.
Leave your dog at home.
Mar 31, 2022
Mar 21, 2022
Firstly, you make some claims and have never once seen my dog in action. She happens to be a very well trained service dog, with or without your permission... Just sayin'! I can take her in the presence of other dogs, ranch animals etc. and have zero loss of response to command, period.
I do take her on a multi use dog friendly trail area in our community. Off leash, my dog is within 10 yards of me and my bike. Again doesn't have issue.one. She runs alongside the trails and is not in the way unless you are out of control, which is my sole expectation from you, not my dog.
So, get the hell outta Ebony's way!
Mar 21, 2022
My dog loves biking, and is more than capable of running 5-8 miles on the trail. I think many other people can say the same.
Biking is one of the ways I choose to bond with my dog, and it is her “job” - which she loves.
In regards to other people/animals on the trail, that comes down to training and trail choice. Do I trust my dog will listen to me? Absolutely. Will I bring my dog on a busy trail during peak hours? Absolutely not.