Map of Squaw Creek Park in Linn County, Iowa, featuring designated trails for mountain biking and multi-use areas. The map includes trail use indicators, difficulty levels, and park hours. Key landmarks such as lodges and parking areas are marked, with a directional orientation at the top. Squaw Creek mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +212/ -236 ft
Total: 17 riders

Mountain Biking Squaw Creek

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#22 of 98 mountain bike trails in Iowa
#3,374 in the world

Narrow, rolling singletrack weaving through the trees. Some technical
features including log piles and some rollers.

The trail starts out as a multi-use path. Take path to the left and follow it
~.4 miles. The singletrack will be on your right. Follow singletrack until you
return to your starting point. It currently has two loops but more trails are
being added.

First added by Jared13 on Aug 5, 2012. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From I-380 and 32nd St NE (Exit 22), head East on 32nd St NE and after a
short distance (>.3 mi) head South on Center Point Rd. Take first left onto
29th St NE. Follow 29th St NE as it turns into 30th St Dr NE, Lakeside Rd, and
eventually Squaw Ridge Rd (about 5 miles total.) Trailhead will be on the left
side of Squaw Ridge Rd after the road curves to the right.

Squaw Creek Trail map

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Squaw Creek Park Mountain Bike Trail…
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Intermediate | 2 mi
Easiest | 58 mi
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  • CasualCrushinator

    There is a definitive "mountain bike trail" trailhead marker now. If you enter the park from the north side turn right on big bluebell ave and take it until it seems like you've circled around and are coming out of the park. You'll see the sign on the right and all the cars with bike hitches.

    There is a little something for everyone on this trail. Some jumps, narrows, and nice rollers. It's well kept and definitely worth checking out!

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  • John25

    Fun, mostly flowy, little bit of tech,

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  • Ken Barker

    This systems keeps getting better and better. The original singletrack trails are fairly tight and twisty, the new stuff is more open and flowing. If LAMBA and Linn Co. can facilitate pro-build of the remaining trail plan, this will be another excellent system for locals and visitors alike. Support their cause here...

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  • blundar

    *Updated September 2017.
    The overall trails have been expanded to 9 miles (new green trails), and there are more miles in the future expansion plans. This is becoming a great place with more varied trails now available for all levels of riders. You can also ride the large multi-use outer loops and connectors for an additional 5 more miles.

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  • Jared13   ✓ supporter

    Fairly flat singletrack once you get on the trail that weaves its way through the trees. A few switchbacks and tight turns, only a few obstacles, a nice, easy going trail.

    The main trail to get you to the singletrack is a beginner route while the singletrack itself is beginner/intermediate mostly due to trail width and what rocks/roots you do encounter on the trail.

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