18 Trails in Kalamunda, Western Australia

Rank Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
1. Kalamunda Mountain Bike Trails Intermediate difficulty 27.0 ***** Kalamunda
2. Munda Biddi trail  difficulty 621.0 Mundaring
3. Goat Farm Advanced difficulty 15.0 **** Greenmount
4. Greater Kalamunda Loop (Kalamunda Mountain Bike Trails) Intermediate difficulty 27.0 **** Kalamunda
5. The Whore No More (Greater Kalamunda Loop) Advanced difficulty 3.0 ***** Pickering Brook
6. Forsyths Mill Intermediate difficulty 5.0 **** Chidlow
7. Mundaring to Jarrahdale (Map1) (Munda Biddi trail) Beginner difficulty 64.0 **** Mundaring
8. Railway Reserves Heritage Trail Easiest difficulty 35.0 *** Bellevue
9. Kalamunda Railway Heritage Trail Easiest difficulty 4.0 ** Kalamunda
10. Carinyah Trail  difficulty 9.0 Karragullen
11. Lake Leschenaultia  difficulty 10 Chidlow
12. Blue Panther (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 1.4 Chidlow
13. Yeeha (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 0.4 Chidlow
14. Shakes & Ladders (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 0.81 Chidlow
15. Man vs Machine (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 1.01 Chidlow
16. Towies (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 0.86 Chidlow
17. Hula (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 0.83 Chidlow
18. Woohoo (Lake Leschenaultia)  difficulty 0.43 Chidlow

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