A sign for the Elm Ridge Wild Forest indicating the Escarpment Trail trailhead parking, with a mountain in the background. A red pickup truck and a bicycle are parked nearby, under a cloudy sky. The scene captures a natural landscape typical of a hiking area in New York. Elm Ridge mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 14 mi (22.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +761/ -689 ft
Total: 55 riders

Mountain Biking Elm Ridge

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#18 of 301 mountain bike trails in New York
#1,325 in the world

The Fun Loop is the lower portion of an extensive trail system known as Elm Ridge. The Fun Loop is actually a loop with several interior branches. All fun. From the Fun Loop, you can climb to Elm Ridge on the Escarpment Trail or Levitate. Once to the top (1200 feet later) you are rewarded with a series of trails along the ridge and a number of screaming downhills down a number of faces. Elm Ridge in total has more than 25 miles of maintained trails all marked.

First added by supermatic on Jul 15, 2013. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Appox 3 miles east of Windham on Highway 23. Parking is located at the corner of Cross and 23. The trail head is across 23.

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Elm Ridge Wild Forest Catskills NY…
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  • jstack11

    A very well traveled trail. Not very much man made here. The "Fun Loops" are easy, and a little boring, but at one point do have the only man mad efeatures in a small berm and a couple humps. Like the rest of the Catskill region, very shale-y like trail. Not bad, almost no areas where the trail is too steep to climb. Good early season trail - while muddy, not bad muddy (the shale helps). The trail markings are as normal, useless almost. Most are missing any signage at all. The best trail, by far, is Run Noot. A so-so trail on the way up (not hard at all) but an incredible 1 mile run in the downhill direction. Worth repeating rather than even checking out other trails. Although I'd prefer less shale trails, there is nothing you can do about it in a mountain area like this. Its the best (free) trail overall though in the area for variety and length

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  • Plankton

    Excellent trails that are well marked. New bridges get you from the parking lot across some low wet areas. The locals have done a fantastic job with the trail layout and design. The climbs are reasonable, gradually working their way up the Ridge. Excellent berm and pump sections along the way. Grab the map from the park website. It's easy to orient yourself with that in hand and the signage at trail intersections.

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  • Grant Harding

    Stellar technical trails! I spent a night at the lean-to and spent the next day riding. There's a water source near the lean-to if you need to fill up. Lots of climbing, lots of rocks, and some real fun descents. The Escarpment Trail is popular with hikers so be careful for fellow trail users.

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  • cmyers72

    Just started mountain biking and since this is only 7 miles way I figured I'd give it a try. The trails were well marked and an overall for the first time going out I had a great time. I look forward to going back to explore more trails.

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  • Hodster69

    Rode the "Fun Loop" today and was blown away by much "Fun" it was! Challenging enough but not too technical for my intermediate skill level. Well maintained and well marked. Nice rolling climb and downhill return. Trail system also offers much more challenging terrain for the more advanced rider.

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  • HilltopSteve

    Elm Ridge is by far some of the best mountain biking Ive experienced on the east coast. I live in NJ and obviously here there are no shortage of nice places to ride and I frequent Colorado and Utah. I was blown away by how "out there" elm ridge felt and how nice the trails were, not only fun wise, but how well maintained everything was. Well worth the 2 hour drive. Not super technical except some roots until you get a little higher up in elevation where you can find some rockier sections, but there was a nice long rolling climb and it was super fun.

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  • sportsfan317

    These trails are sweet. From the parking lot off of 23 there is a lower section that is easy loops. However if you really want to ride the best trails climb the Escarment climb to the top and play around on the trails at the top. These trails are sweet and have great flow. There are sections with rocks but they are not bad at all. Had a blast riding these trails.

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  • supermatic

    The local bike shop told us about these trails. The trails are really well maintained and the lay out is fun. Everything from hard pack, rock gardens, tight singe track to fast descents. Cant wait to go back.

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