A black dog running along a dirt trail in a wooded area, surrounded by trees and green foliage. The trail appears sandy, with some exposed soil and fallen leaves scattered on the ground. Big Dipper mountain bike trail.
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Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +71/ -85 ft
Total: 7 riders

Mountain Biking Big Dipper

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#76 of 98 mountain bike trails in Iowa
#16,845 in the world

This trail starts off the Little Dipper and finishes on the other side of the Little Dipper. Use this trail to connect to Shooting Star Trail or to make a quick loop around the Star Field. This trail is plenty fun in both directions, but might be just be a bit better when riding counter-clockwise.

When starting on the east side of Little Dipper, take a right onto Big Dipper and follow it down into a switchback followed by a creek crossing. After crossing the creek, start climbing back into the trees and follow the trail in and out of the ravines. After the first few ravines, the descending starts to pick up.

Almost half way through, you'll descend a sandy section with some exposure and then cross another stream. Begin climbing slightly into a quick push up a 50-yard steeper section, before you get a break through the flats. At this point, you'll come to the intersection with Shooting Star Trail.

Take Shooting Star Trail at this point if you would like to link up with the other trails like Riverside Trail and Pond Hopper Trail

To continue on Big Dipper and head back towards Star Field, take a left and go up the switchback. Continue sweeping through the trees, riding in and out of the ravines, descending and climbing along the way. You'll then run into a T intersection with Little Dipper. Take a right to get back to the shower house at Star Field or take a left to have a bit more fun and ride Little Dipper back around the Star Field, bringing you back to the shower house with just a bit more riding.

This trail is fun ridden in either direction, and is a great addition to the other trails at the Conservancy.

Big Dipper was completed in 2015 by Singletrack Trails Inc.

First added by Aaron Cholewa on May 23, 2016. Last updated Apr 23, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Start out at the Star Field Trailhead and take Little Dipper to either end of Big Dipper

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dgw2jr (Sep 7, 2019)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Coon Rapids, Iowa

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  • Chester Copperpot

    Great trail the provides some more challenging climbs and some downhill sections as well. Instead of taking Shooting Star to Big Dipper and back again, you can cheat by going south on Fig to the Star Field camping area, heading east, and dropping in just after Little Dipper. Great way to avoid the climb at Shooting Star if you're trying to get in one last lap, but don't have it in you for a full lap!

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