The trail starts at the top of the Advanced Access Trail with a drop down--the trail the crosses under a wooden bridge) and enters a quick climb. From here the trail flows into three small jumps and then winds through some walls of small valleys resulting from strip-mining.
Riders follow a steep drop to the right and the trail skirts the shores of two small lakes. Bikers then climb into a section punctuated by some steep drops (saddles) with physics taking them from the tops of one small ridge to the next. A particularly fun section involves banking to-and-fro across the walls (not bench cut) of two small ridges.
MTBers then come across a rock garden and then the biggest of the drops. After another climb on rockier and narrow track, two smaller saddles and a ride across an over/under wooden bridge/drop feature closes out the loop, entering into the flowing Zulu Trail exit that after a sharp right and squeeze between trees eventually hooks up with the KA-BAR Trail.
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