Garth Lockhart of Andover, MA is known by the local kids as the “wheelie man” and on September 12 he’s going to try to break the world record for the longest wheelie. The current record is 8 miles (!) set by a 14-year-old doing laps inside a gymnasium. Lockhart’s attempt will add a degree of difficulty as his route will take him 9+ miles from his home in Andover, MA down Route 28 to Buchika’s Bike Shop in Salem, NH. He’s already ridden 14-15 mile wheelies so who knows, maybe he’ll just keep riding once he gets to Salem!
At age 21 Lockhart had a dream that he could do a long distance wheelie but was angry when he woke up and realized he couldn’t. He started practicing and today he rides about 375 miles a week, doing a wheelie about 90% of the way. Seriously. Check out the video to see Garth in action and to hear his story. Can anyone tell what kind of mountain bike he’s riding?