By now trek7k and the rest of the group should be about 3/4 of the way to Moab after starting the long mtb ride from Durango, CO five days ago. Im estimating theyve ridden at least 150 miles of the 215 mile hut to hut route. From the latest map (above, updated 8/31 5p MT) it looks like they are close to the Utah border with a quick(!) 5,000+ ft of climbing to do today before getting their singletrack reward on Kokopelli’s and Porcupine Rim in Moab tomorrow.
Unfortunately I dont have any pics to share of trek7ks adventures. Internet and cell phone coverage is practically non-existent along most of the route. Theres nothing like mountain biking in remote places to remind us how to rely on ourselves and appreciate our surroundings. So get out this weekend and ride a new trail! Labor Day is the perfect time for an epic ride of your own and stay tuned for trek7ks first hand trip report next week.