With all of the mountain bikes that show up on my front porch to get reviewed, measuring accurate real-world bike weights is crucial. The Feedback Sports Alpine Digital Scale is the perfect tool for the job. Jeff reviewed this scale back in 2010 but here’s my take.
This scale is designed specifically to weigh bicycles and all sorts of outdoor gear. With exact weights in 10-gram increments up to a max capacity of 55 pounds (25kg), and buttons to zero the scale and easily switch between ‘Merican and Metric, I’m guaranteed to get the precise information I need.
The scale itself has a rubberized outer shell, so it’ll hold up well despite getting tossed in a tool box and bumped around in the back of a pickup. The hook is also rubberized, to protect the bike and bike components.
After installing the four AAA batteries (included in the package), the scale was dead easy to use, with only three self-explanatory buttons (pictured above).
The scale can be hung using the loop of cord, or the stainless steel shaft can be clamped in a bike stand.

At first I was afraid that it would be difficult to get the bike to stay steady in the hook without slipping and without me holding it, but I shouldn’t have worried. The rubber coating on the hook grips the bike frame firmly.
Bottom Line
When I need to get an accurate bike weight, there’s really no other way to do it than using a professional scale such as the Feedback Alpine. With other less-professional methods, you can never be sure if the weight you record is true or not. That’s why I would always drop by my LBS to get review bikes weighed… but now with the professional-grade Feedback Alpine scale in my tool arsenal, I don’t have even have to leave the comfort of my home.
MSRP: $57.99.
Many thanks to Feedback Sports for sending over the Alpine Digital Scale for review.
Jul 24, 2013
Jul 24, 2013
Jul 24, 2013