Reply To: Trek Remedy 8 (SoCal – LA preferrably)

"GoldenGoose" wrote

You’ll have to keep your eyes open to get a deal on a Remedy. As I’m am sure you have already found out, Trek only does business with bike shops so there’s no third party vendors to get a deal from unless you want to buy a used bike. 😢

Normally, they start bringing in the next year’s lines in October to November so that is typically your best bet for getting a deal. Also, they will hook you up if the newer years model has a significant change in specs or "technology". Unfortunately, the Remedy hasn’t really changed much from 2009 to 2010. I think they did some small fiddling with the geometry and switched forks to a Talas instead of the Lyric. Basically they dropped off about 10mm of suspension in the process. But nothing major in terms of proprietary technology changes to warrant a major drop in prices on the old models. 😕

I wish I had somewhere to send you but it seems like you may be in for a bit of a search. Good luck. That is a KILLER ride and if I had about $4k to spend I’d be looking that direction as well! Post a pic once you’ve got her home. I need something to drool over!

Thanks for your extensive reply! I know that Treks can be found "offline" (i.e. in stores) only, so I guess I’ll have to have another look around the LA area to see if I can still find a sweet deal on the Remedy… Cheers