Break I do need


I have an Advance. Low end but nice! Here is the story. I decided to buy my wife and daughter a bike and a trailor for the little one. I said lets go to Eddy’s in Stow Ohio! She said Toys-R-Us. Well if the momma is happy everone is happy. So I got the girls each a bike and my wife said which one do you wnat 😢 I told her that I would try my luck in the garbarge of a yard sale 😏 She knew that I wanted a Fisher. So she went on fathers day and asked the clerk for a Harry London bike 😮 Harry London is a local chocolate company. The salesman didn’t flinch. Showed her some Sugar and she almost fainted. So I got a year old model at a better price with the promise of upgrading if certain conditions were met! So by next summer my hope is an upgrade!