Reply To: What’s the best thing you’ve found?


OK, I got the topper so far! IMHO that is…

Today, my brother and I were doing a great DH in CA (I would love to give the location but was told, due to my sighting, not disclose the location by the local ranger due to concerns of the sightings safety).

As I was going down this straight section of fire road, a large shadow passed over me rather fast. I looked up and saw this large white/silver’ish bird drop down the ridge about 30 feet above me and swing through some pines and land at the top of the tallest tree.

My brother comes down and I describe what I saw thinking it was a hawk. He laughed and said there are no white hawks he knew of, especially in CA. I swore I knew what I saw and pointed to where I hgad seen it land. All of a sudden we saw this bird turn in the tree and yuo could see this birds white chest. The distance was about 1/2 a mile and he convinced me we were likely looking at a bald eagle. I had seen them before as akid in KS, but this one seemed to be more sleek, aerodynamic. As we approached the bird took off and sailed over the canyon to the ridge on the other side.

Our bike trail brought us to within about 200 yards of the bird and it watched us for a minute and then took flight once again and disappeared over another ridge.

My brother was convinced it was an eagle and I went along with it. We rode a few hundred yards down the trail and found a great little area to stop and eat. A ranger and his family came down the hiking trail and we struck up a conversation. I mentioned the bird and his eyes lit up. "You saw it!?"

I described what I/we had seen and he got excited. Turns out it was an albino red tailed hawk! It was part of a mated pair and have been in the are for about 5 years. Turns out the rangers there have been trying to get close enough to a get a pic ever since with no luck.

We ride this trail a lot and I will definitely be taking a better camera and big lense just in case.

So, I call your albino squirrel, and raise and prey on it with my albino red tail hawk. 😃