Map of the SCIP Recreational Trail, featuring trail routes and difficulty ratings. The map includes markers for trailhead locations, parking, and nearby streets (NE 23rd St and NE 10th St). Different trail segments are color-coded to indicate difficulty levels: easiest (white), easy (green), more difficult (blue), and very difficult (black). Additional information about trail length and natural obstacles is provided. SCIP Recreational Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: -
Total: 3 riders

Mountain Biking SCIP Recreational Trail

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#41 of 64 mountain bike trails in Oklahoma
#7,757 in the world

Flowy trail system with a switchback loop end of green, slightly more difficult blue loop with a few berms and humps, black section lots of berms and higher bumps and some pretty big motocross style jumps.

First added by gregzbobo on Jul 29, 2017. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
7250 NE 23rd Street Midwest City, OK

SCIP Recreational Trail Trail map

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Wet (May 25, 2020)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Midwest City, Oklahoma

Beginner | 3 mi
Intermediate | 13 mi

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  • petewalker

    Nice little run with a new north Loop (May 2020) adding it to a 6 mile total system. Difficulty states beginner to Advanced (Black loop) but I would say Intermediate - a couple of decent jumps but nothing too technically challenging. Great full run overall - well maintained and worth the drive.

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  • Chase Cheatwood

    This trail is awful. Way too short and the blue flow line with the rollers does not flow what so ever. Needs to be cleaned up.

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  • AK Kover

    This is a great close to home trail to Mountain Unicycle. Not to hard but had fun with all the dirt jumps on the Blue and Black Trails. No tall weeds and very well maintained with great signage.

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  • Lisa Zimmerman

    This little trail system is so much fun. We usually ride a few times. The trails are so well built. Initially they were confusing but now there are maps and the trails are well marked with signs. Sometimes after riding we head on over to draper. Well backed and flow. There is a lot of creekside and shade except for the black. Some of black has sun exposure but it is also where the real fun with lots of jumps and dips!

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