78 Trails in Heffley Creek, British Columbia

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
A Blaze on the Hillside (Pineview) 1.4 Kamloops
Albert McGowan Park Trail (Peterson Creek Park) 0.4 Kamloops
Arizona (Batchelor Heights) 1.2 Kamloops
Arizona, Tower Classic, Naked Pistol, Bighorn Loop, Sidewinder, Lazy Boy (Batchelor Heights) 9.0 Kamloops
B.O.T.H. - Mine Connector (Pineview) 0.1 Kamloops
Balsam Root (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.2 Kamloops
Bangers and Mash (Pineview) 0.9 Kamloops
Bare Nuckles (Pineview) 0.8 Kamloops
Batchelor Heights 9.0 Kamloops
Beer Run (Pineview) 1.0 Kamloops
Beetle Bend (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.2 Kamloops
Big Pine (Kenna Cartwright Park) 1.4 Kamloops
Bighorn Loop (Batchelor Heights) 2.4 Kamloops
Billy Miner North (Peterson Creek Park) 1.0 Kamloops
Billy Miner South (Peterson Creek Park) 0.6 Kamloops
Blowdown Alley (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.3 Kamloops
Boot Chute (Pineview) 0.7 Kamloops
Breakfast Coming Up (Pineview) 0.5 Kamloops
Bridal Veil Falls (Peterson Creek Park) 0.1 Kamloops
Burn the Berms (Burn the Berms / Rio) 1.9 Kamloops
Burn the Berms / Rio Advanced 8.0 **** Kamloops
Cabin (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.3 Kamloops
Cabin Fever (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.4 Kamloops
Chase On (Harper) 0.6 Kamloops
Connector (Kamloops Bike Ranch) 0.1 Kamloops
Cows with Guns (Batchelor Heights) 0.7 Kamloops
Coyote (Pineview) 0.3 Kamloops
Creekside (Peterson Creek Park) 0.1 Kamloops
Cryptogamic (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.2 Kamloops
Deer Run (Kenna Cartwright Park) 2.1 Kamloops
Deer Run Connector (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.2 Kamloops
Dill Pickle (Harper) 0.2 Kamloops
Doc Findlay Braid (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.3 Kamloops
Doc Findlay Loop (Kenna Cartwright Park) 2.2 Kamloops
Dog on It (Pineview) 0.2 Kamloops
Dragonfly (Pineview) 1.9 Kamloops
Easy Rider (Harper) 1.8 Kamloops
Elevator (Kenna Cartwright Park) 0.3 Kamloops
Escape (Peterson Creek Park) 0.2 Kamloops
FHA Collins (Peterson Creek Park) 0.3 Kamloops
Find the Mine (Pineview) 0.4 Kamloops
Fist Full of Dollars (Kamloops Bike Ranch) 0.3 Kamloops
Gnarwhal (Harper) 0.33 Kamloops
Grasslands (Peterson Creek Park) 0.75 Kamloops
Grouse Gulch (Peterson Creek Park) 0.32 Kamloops
Hard Rock (Pineview) 0.48 Kamloops
Hard Rock (Pineview) 0.48 Kamloops
Harper Advanced 25.0 ***** Kamloops
High Iron (Pineview) 0.5 Kamloops
HP Sauce (Pineview) 0.38 Kamloops