This is a quick, and often times, flowing singletrack. From the southern end
of FS 12, the trail is marked by a sign. Head up the short incline which
turns immediately to the left. There will be a series of forks that branch off
back down and/or follow FS 12. (If you are traveling up from the bottom,
some of the forks may be confusing if you are using the trail map because
the are not marked. Just keep to the left or shoot down to FS 12 and you'll
end up at the trailhead). Continue descending and keep to the right and
ride about a mile. At this point, if you are going slow enough, you will see
Pinyon (05607) on your right. After passing the trailhead, continue another
0.75 miles to where the trail ends and merges onto a doubletrack. The
doubletrack is not show on the trail map because this section of the map is labeled "Private Land." Google Earth says that this is a continuation of
FS462. Either way, you can pick up Gear Grinder or Bear Scat to continue
your ride.
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