The second New Mexican contestant in this year’s Bell Built Grant program is situated halfway between Albuquerque, NM and Flagstaff, AZ, literally in the heart of Indian country, in Gallup, NM. Nearby trails are within minutes of town and include: High Desert Trail, home of the Dawn ’til Dusk race, and Zuni Mountain trails, host to 24 Hours in the Enchanted Forest. Between the two networks of epic XC trail is a massive crop of red sandstone cliffs towering high above the valley floor in Red Rock Park. The Moab-esque terrain sets Red Rock uniquely apart from the competition and would offer a truly unique downhill experience.
Visit the Bell Built Grant website to learn more about the Red Rock Park trail project and submit your vote.
Voting for Central Region candidates begins April 27 and ends May 11 where the winner will go on to compete with the West and East Coast Finalists in a separate online popular vote held May 25 through June 5.
Visit IMBA for details on selection criteria, voting terms, grant award process, and other conditions.