As many of you may know, I spent almost two months this summer traveling the nation and riding my mountain bike. One of my main goals when I was out west this summer was to ride any of the trails on our top 10 best mountain bike trails list that I hadn’t ridden yet.
Our list is constantly changing based on user ratings and other factors computed by our ranking algorithm, and some of the trails I went out of my way to ride this summer are no longer even ranked in the top 10. However, a few weeks ago I went and took another look at the list and realized that I’ve now ridden the 10 best mountain bike trails in the world, as ranked by!
I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what my initial impressions were of these 10 trails, a photo that I took out on the trail (if any), and what I really think of these trails now that I can look back on them with the clarity that retrospection provides.
1. Buffalo Creek, Pine, Colorado
Original review, June 2008:
“Ride sandy wash trail down towards the road, like the description. It’s a good ride, but not technical at all.” (4 stars.)
I first rode Buffalo Creek at about the same time that I discovered, as I was new to Colorado and looking for trails to ride. Remarkably, one of the trails closest to the camp that I worked at in the summer of 2008 was Buffalo Creek–the “best” mountain bike trail in the world.
There’s no doubt about it: Buffalo Creek is an excellent trail system with tons of amazing cross-country singletrack. However, I’d say that it is far from the best trail I’ve ever ridden. I find it interesting that in my initial review I only gave it four stars, while now I think that it is definitely deserving of a full five. For instance, the addition of the technical Blackjack trail has given Buffalo Creek a whole new technical dimension that it never had before. Hopefully the trail system continues to diversify.
2. Porcupine Rim, Moab, Utah
Original review, June 2012:
“What a fun ride! Amazing views, crazy gnar, tons of drops… the only thing is this isn’t really singletrack. The choose-your-own-adventure approach is fun at times, but then it gets kind of old. The sandy sections are pretty unfortunate too.” (4 stars.)
Porcupine Rim is one of the trails that I went out of my way to ride this summer. It’s a great technical ride, but as my review mentioned, most of it isn’t actually singletrack and there are some massive sand traps that are no fun at all. However, if I was to consider The Whole Enchilada route (Porcupine Rim is a big part of it), I would have to say that The Whole Enchilada is easily one of my favorite rides of all time and definitely worthy of a top 10 spot! For more information on The Whole Enchilada, read my blog post from this summer.
3. Blankets Creek, Woodstock, Georgia

Original review, June 2011:
“I finally rode here for the first time about a month ago, and I loved it! The quality workmanship is so evident in this trails with the careful benchcutting, swooping flow, and big banked turns. Quehl Holler was an absolute riot… I can’t wait to hit that again! As for the XC trails, South Loop was my fav, I loved all the rocky climbs, and Van Michael was a blast as well. The exposed section above the water was so fun, felt like I was back out in Colorado!” (5 stars.)
In retrospect, I’m having a hard time believing that I gave Blankets Creek 5 stars and only gave Buffalo Creek and Porcupine Rim 4 stars each originally. Reflecting on all the trails on this list and the hundreds of trails I’ve ridden across the nation, I don’t think that Blankets Creek should be ranked number 3. In fact, I don’t think it should appear in the top 10 list… or even in the top 100… at all! However, the fact that I gave it 5 stars back in 2011 is rather telling… and it does explain how Blankets Creek came to be number 3 on the list.
Specifically, people tend to rate trails based on their region. While perhaps Blankets Creek is a 4 or a 5 on an Atlanta or Georgia standard, if you compare the best Georgia trails to even the mediocre Colorado trails, no Georgia trail would ever rate beyond a 3 or, at most, a 4. Blankets Creek’s excellent rating is evidence that people rate trails based solely on their own experiences, and even if they’ve ridden out west they still rate trails based on the experiences that are fresh in their minds. This is an excellent reminder to take every rating you see and every review you read with a grain of salt.
4. Tsali Recreation Area, Bryson City, North Carolina
Original review, August 2011:
“What can be said that hasn’t already? Well let me say this: these trails live up to the hype: there is no let-down here! The most Colorado-esque trails I’ve ridden east of the rockies.” (5 stars.)
Yes, these trails are very reminiscent of Colorado–especially trails like Buffalo Creek. Tsali has a lot going on: flowy singletrack, great views, and awesome camping. It’s a classic too, having been a major Western North Carolina destination for decades. However, based on today’s modern standards, Tsali doesn’t have very many miles for a true destination trail system (partly because only half of the system is open to bikes on any given day), and there is very little variety here with almost no technical riding.
Tsali is still, and will always be, a great trail system, and while I’m not sure that it’s one of the 10 best trails in the world, it’s definitely not shabby!
5. Slickrock, Moab, Utah
Original review, June 2012:
“What a fun time! Getting the insider’s view into the best lines thanks to Chad was awesome… flowed way better than the designated trail! As I’m sure you’ve heard, the traction both up and down is fantastic. Riding slickrock and not being tied down to one specific line is a truly unique experience that everyone should have.” (5 stars.)
Another trail that I went out of my way to ride this summer, Slickrock has been a classic mountain bike experience since the 80’s, and it is still worth riding today! While some people don’t seem to praise Slickrock as highly nowadays, I think that it deserves to be on this list if just for the unique experience that it provides. There are many other trails that have sections of slickrock incorporated into them, but how many are located entirely on this super-grippy sandstone? Please correct me if I’m wrong, but Slickrock is the only one. This is a must-ride trail!
Stay tuned for part 2: Monarch Crest Trail, Colorado Trail, 18 Road Trails, Trail 401, and FATS.
Dec 20, 2012
Greg and Jeremy both bring up good points about how the overall list shows a regional bias, though at the state list level I feel like the rankings are fairly accurate. So comparing trails in Georgia to trails in Colorado is like apples to oranges but comparing Georgia trails to Georgia trails results in a much more accurate picture. Also, if we substitute "most popular" for the word "best" in the list titles that might make more sense to folks.
I think some data analysis is in order to figure out just how many Singletracks members ride locally/within their state, regionally, and nationally. I suspect there may be enough riders who travel within their region to make regional lists (southeast, northeast, etc.) fairly accurate. But I'm guessing very few have ridden extensively in multiple regions.
Dec 24, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Re: traveling widely,
That may be true... probably either you, I, or skibum. I have yet to ride in the PNW or the NE, and I've only hit one or two trails in the SW (AZ, NM, UT Etc) region. I guess I can accurately claim to have ridden the SW, although I do want to plan a winter MTB trip to AZ one of these years. I've got the PNW on-tap for next year, and as far as the Northeast.... one of these years ;)
Dec 24, 2012
Dec 24, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Just an observation, Greg. No Arizona trip is complete without time in Sedona. If you go in the dead of winter, there's a good chance Sedona trails will be under some snow. It's best to go late fall or early spring--that's when you've got a good chance of riding anything in Sedona and can still hit the great rides around Phoenix and Tucson away from the triple digit temps.
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
For Hans Rey's perspective, check this out:
Dec 21, 2012
Dec 22, 2012
Some awesome singletrack to be had there!
Dec 20, 2012
1) I was very under whelmed with the SE riding. FATS is a great trail network and super fun for a little while but the hardpack SE smooth clay roller coaster that is, becomes a little trivial for my tastes. I found this consistent through outmost of the region - certainly Tsali! Only place that really broke that mold was places in Pisgah. How can Tsali and Fats make the list yet no mention of Pisagah?
2)Nothing from the NE? Winters suck but I'll take just about anywhere int he NE over the SE any day.
3)As a Moab resident, I do not understand the love affair with with slick rock and porcupine rim proper. Slick rock is somewhat featureless, crowded and little more then a long string of out-of-saddle hill sprints. Parts of PR are very fun, but parts of it down right suck - jeep road chatter. That being said, the rest of the enchilada ride is 100% epic and I use that word very sparingly. Also, so many other great, great rides in the Moab area!
Lastly, I concede that depending on your ability and trail taste your opinions will vary very much so. I'm not an XC rider and have a strong appetite for desert chunk, fast ST and general technical entertainment as demonstrated here:
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
But as an area, Pisgah is probably in my top 5 favorite places that I've ever been!!
Dec 23, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Personally, I would put Blankets down at #5 or #6 in Georgia, though.
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
On top of that issue, I know I have the tendency to rank trails based off past experiences. However, I rarely go back and change my original rating to reflect how that trail would have rated given my new experiences on other trails. My tastes and skills have changed over the years and nothing short of re-ranking each trail every time I ride something new would actually reflect my current personal ranking order. Like Greg said, Blankets Creek is a 5 star trail in GA. But once you've ridden good trails in other areas you quickly realize that it shouldn't be in the top ten list for the entire database.
It would be cool to see how the list changed if there was a way to relate each regions trails to one another. Maybe give heavier bias to specific reviews from people who have rated trails in mulitple regions/states that would allow for comparison. It would certainly be helpful when trying to figure out which trails to ride when planning a trip.
Dec 24, 2012
Btw gr8 post. lots of fun out there.
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 24, 2012