10 Reasons to watch Pedal Driven, a BIKEumentary:
1. You saw the earlier Singletracks blog post by trek7k about the fundraising efforts to complete the movie. If you pledged, you’re part of the effort.
2. There are secret/illegal/pirate trails in your area and you want to watch the story of how a group of passionate, dedicated riders got their stealth trails approved by the federales.
3. You know some of the guys and girls from the Leavenworth, WA area who are featured in the documentary.
4. You love trees, but instead of hugging them you prefer to shred among them.
5. There’s a special place in your heart for 4th period civics class.
6. You negotiate instead of aggravate.
7. You want to see incredible footage of IMBA crews in the process of designing, building and testing trails. I never knew why the IMBA-made trails I’ve ridden were so amazing, but the movie does a great job of documenting the process.
8. If you’ve ever been frustrated by that “No Bikes” sign in your favorite slice of wilderness and want to know the whys and hows of getting it open to you and your dirty little friends, this film will open your eyes.
9. City slickers who battle traffic to get to the trailhead will be green with envy at some of these small town communities with singletrack that rolls right out of people’s backyards. Aspire to move into the sticks…
10. You want to learn how to contribute to the efforts of people who love to ride trails, want more of them, and want to make sure we take care of our natural resources while we’re out there enjoying them.
I personally found it hard to set aside time to watch this now that summer has arrived in all its midwestern glory. I’ve been getting in daily trail miles and every hour in the dirt makes me want two more. If the sun is out I have a hell of a time looking at a screen when I could be shredding singletrack.
But this documentary was inspiring in the fact that there are dedicated individuals who took the time to put on clean pants, meet with forest service officials, lobby local governments, sign petitions, turn shovels, lift logs and generally put in the time and effort it takes to get trail access for all of us. And for that, I salute every one of them. Thanks to you all!
Oh, and to Howell at the Moon Productions, the team that made this movie: you are a rad group. Anyone who is willing to put in the time, the dollars, the sweat and the love into documenting our favorite outdoor pursuit (and how to make it better) deserves mucho kudos.
The deets: Website | Facebook | Trailers | Where to buy it | These folks made the thing | Screening tour dates | Get involved!!