Corrections policy

Singletracks strives to publish timely and accurate information. Occasionally we may need to make corrections to articles, podcasts, or videos published online to ensure the information presented is factual. If you find a factual error in an article published by Singletracks, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

  • Any corrections and/or clarifications made following publication will be noted within the article.
  • Depending on the correction or update, there may be a note added to the beginning or end of the article.
  • In other cases, we may make use of strikethrough text to show the article as written originally, along with the corrected information.

Singletracks is unable to accommodate requests to update an article once it is published unless it is to make factual corrections. This includes, but is not limited to, requests to insert or modify links, retract factually sourced and reported information, or add mentions for additional products or services.

Online articles may be polished and/or expanded following publication. Only material changes to the facts or meaning of an article will be noted.