Newbie looking for trails near Lake Elsinore


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    • #124771

      Hi, I am a newbie mountain biker and I am new to Lake Elsinore CA. I am trying to find fellow newbies to ride with me so I do not feel so left out 😢 Anyone here can tell me where are some trails I can ride at near lake elsinore? Thank

    • #124772

      If you go to the Mountain Bike Trails section of this website, and search for Lake Elsinore, it will pull up a list of trails near that area (I found 23 tails/systems on a quick look). We happen to have the largest (and in my opinion best) mountain bike trail database in the world. However, it is by no means complete as new trails are always being added.

      As for finding people to ride with you can try posting under the West forum or possibly do a web search for mountain bike clubs or organizations in that area.

      Hope this helps you out.

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