Re: Leg cramps

"rallyvette" wrote

Anyone have a silver bullet for leg cramps?
I am in the best cycling condition of my life (winning sport class races) and riding 2-3 times a week but no matter what I do if I am riding hard I start getting cramps around 2 hours in to a race pace ride. I drink tons, I have tried sport legs, eating bannas, stretching and nothing seems to help.

i saw a post mention build up of latic acid or something like that which made me remember my ex wife she has a muscle disease that didnt kick in until her senior year of high school and up till then she played volleyball and ran with no problems until one day she started cramping mostly in her legs and it wouldnt stop and it came on quick like your talking about so you might want to ask a doctor to test you for forgive my spelling but if you say it like i’m pronouncing to spell it a doctor should know here goes Muscle disease called FY BRO MA ALGIA.
I pray you dont have this God awful disease may the force be with you.