Reply To: Who's still buying/selling bikes or parts person to person during covid-19?


I didn’t change anything.  If I want to go to a store that’s open, I go.

Been all over the globe serving active duty before retirement and been around some nasty stuff.  Have situational awareness and practice good hygiene.

Nerd – quote “Wear some sort of mask even if it is just a cloth tied around your mouth and nose. While not 100% effective, masks do reduce virus transmission. *(Why do you think doctors where them?)* An added benefit is that masks discourage you from touching your face.”

Doctors wear masks to prevent the transmission of bodily fluids during surgical procedures or during a procedure where the body is opened up either exposing a natural or created orifice to the environment where it wouldn’t normally or intended be.  Masks “can” reduce virus transmission, however there are too many factors and variables that exist.  N95s are only as good until you know that they are contaminated and then they should be immediately disposed of.  Most of the face coverings out there that are being worn by the public aren’t sufficient to stop a virus or even many bacteria.

This Medical journal article was published in Jun 2015, before all the covid matters.

More people are touching near their face to adjust their mask, so I’m not sure that it’s safe to conclude that it mitigates the average person from touching near their face.  However, as a community, we have learned much from this.

Glad to see that people are out more and riding.  Where I live, there has certainly been an increase in trail traffic.