Reply To: Poor warranty service on cheap Chinese carbon bike frame


This is what comes from not having a functional legal system.  No one, especially a westerner, can hold one of these Chinese manufacturers/sellers to account for shoddy products and business practices.

Western companies know they would be sued into Bolivia, as well as having “customer relations” problems with similar practices.

And while these same Chinese companies (or closely related, “brother-in-law” entities) may manufacture for big name western companies, do not discount the quality control exerted by the western companies.  Chinese seem to have few qualms (again likely because of a complete lack of legal ramifications) about selling goods made initially to western specifications, often using idle western tooling (so “counterfeit” to boot), but without western or any quality control.

By reputation, the “Light Bicycle” company has chosen to do things the right way while still availing itself of cheap labor.  While it is a company located in PRC, it is directly across the Formosa Strait from Taiwan, which indicates to me that there is Taiwanese and thus western influence on their business operations.