Reply To: Any mountain bikers out there carry an EpiPen?


Jeff, my daughter carries an EpiPen with her at all times, including during a ride or run.  She has nut and fish allergies.  Although it might sound far-fetched that an anaphylactic event from a food allergen could happen in the middle of the forest, she has had this happen during a trail run.  Just before the run she came in contact with a peanut butter-contaminated utensil at a friend’s place, then later wiped sweat from her face around the mouth with her hand and instantly had a reaction.  At the time she didn’t carry Pens during her runs.  Luckily she was near a road and the ambulance was able to get to her easily. Now she goes nowhere without a Pen.

She carries them in a slim Nike runner’s waist pack for quick access.  Works well even on a trail ride.  This one:

Hope this helps…